Starting A New Grow!! Need advice!

Hello everyone I just got a big wooden file cabinet from work the other day and I started building last night. (Do not have pics yet but will have some posted tonight!) So far that i got done on the box is,.. the back is my door, the inside has 2 sections,each section in the file cab is 2 foot wide, 3 feet deep and 2 1/2 foot tall. Each section has 1 intake and 1 exhaust fans.(pc Fans) I was wondering what lights should I use and what watts??? What seeds should i buy??? what soil to use? Should i have to do lst????? please help with advice I am a new grower. Thanks.

(Pics up tonight)


Well-Known Member
You can go with a 400w mh/hps setup. Try searching attitude for seeds. I use fox farm soils myself, but saw an amazing miracle grow grow by a member here, Dr Fever.. Alot of this growing is personal choice and trial and error. Good luck friend


Active Member
envirolight 125 veg , 125 red flower
with a height 16" fix light to top
sog grow
4" pots soil 20 plants
flower as soon as rooted
could get 4 onces plus


Active Member
You can go with a 400w mh/hps setup. Try searching attitude for seeds. I use fox farm soils myself, but saw an amazing miracle grow grow by a member here, Dr Fever.. Alot of this growing is personal choice and trial and error. Good luck friend
400w in that tiny space, considering it's wooden i wouldn't advise this, i don't know why it just doesn't sound right. Heck i have trouble keeping a room twice the size of each of his sections cool with a 600w (i'm running top quality fans also). I would go with CFL's in his case or even 250w mh/hps .. 400w seems to much for a wooden space not even a metre by a metre big..

I may be wrong though, this is entirely opinionated.


im guessing this is a stealth grow, i played around with two cabinet builds a while ago one small suggestion if your worried about smell might be 2 exhaust fans to create a negative pressure also in that space without a cooltube i would prob go with what ChoofyN said 250watt or cfl and by lst do u mean low stress training or the actual method of pinching the stem and bending? i usually did the former in my first cabinet i did sog with one of the cheap plastic net fences you can find at any hardware store


Well-Known Member
scrog with T5's; i think you can fit the smaller fixture almost perfectly into your plan. given the wooden construction of this piece, the would be safer than HID's.