Starting first pseudo-SOG grow - pot size/yield expectations?

Joseph McGrowseph

Active Member
What's up guys, so I'm gonna be starting my first SOG style grow (second grow overall) soon, but I currently only have 16 x 1.5 gallon square pots (24 gallons total) because those are the ones came with the grow tent. My question is, are they big enough for a 2 week veg or will I run into any problems? In my first grow I had 4 plants in 6.5 gallon pots, which was only slightly more soil overall (26 gallons).
Now, am I right in assuming that as long as the overall volume of soil remains more or less the same, the yields will also be very similar? I'd just like to use the pots I already have, but if it turns out that they'll greatly diminish my yield, I might have to get bigger ones. Opinions?

Edit: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention: It's a 4x4 tent and I'm using a 600W light!
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Joseph McGrowseph

Active Member
You think so? That would be great for my standards, but everywhere I've looked online, people seem to use bigger pots (like 3 gal) in their SOGs, at least when they only put 16 in their tent. I'm just worried that I'm not efficiently using the space I have with those pots and that the plants will get rootbound too quickly and won't reach their fullest potential.
Would be great if someone here has done a grow with a similar number of pots (similar sized pots too) and could tell me about their yield.

But yeah, one pound would definitely be very solid. And btw, the strain I'll be growing will most likely be Holy Grail Kush (clones). Has anyone here run this strain before? How did you like it?


Well-Known Member
He is messing with you. "About a pound" is the standard answer here to the yield question. No one knows. There are too many variables so it is always a guess.

However you are correct in your assumption that 1 plant in a bigger pot can yield the same as 16 in a small pot in the same space with the same light.

I like 4 per 600 in 3 gallon pots for my room but I always wonder what 1 plant in a 10 gallon would do.

I can't do 16 because of our allowed plant count.

It is common knowledge though that more smaller plants are easier to yield with and faster. And less problems have less time to happen.

Joseph McGrowseph

Active Member
Well okay, I guess he kinda got me. But I wasn't really asking the standard noob question of like how much am I gonna get exactly, I was just asking whether or not the size of these pots combined with the number of plants is suboptimal considering the space and light that I have. I just don't want to end up with small plants that yield like 15g each because they got rootbound too quickly. But I guess it's gonna be fine.


Well-Known Member
Well okay, I guess he kinda got me. But I wasn't really asking the standard noob question of like how much am I gonna get exactly, I was just asking whether or not the size of these pots combined with the number of plants is suboptimal considering the space and light that I have. I just don't want to end up with small plants that yield like 15g each because they got rootbound too quickly. But I guess it's gonna be fine.
I am averaging 4-5 oz in only #3 nursery pots which are only 2.4 actual gallons of potting mix. And the plants take up every inch of space at 4 per light.

If the pots really hold 1.5 gallons of soil you could end up with a forest at 1 per square foot like that.

But a larger pot is easier to manage and offers more buffer to problems. So things will happen faster. Watering frequency may creep up on you fast. Deficiencies take hold very quickly in small pots.

But I would actually like to try what you are doing there. I think I would still get my pound ;-)

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
Heres my stock answer. As a newer grower you will not reach any magic number. Right now your focus should be on trying to keep plants alive through veg, then woery about surviving flowering, next you have to worry about drying and curing ot without ruining It. The first few grows are all about dialing in your room and your growing skills then finally you start worrying about yield ( but at this point yields just happen).

Now on to the other part of your question. Yes you can use those pots. They will be fine as long as you treat them right.