Starting fresh after awhile.advice needed..


Well-Known Member
So first of all i dont have toooooooo much money...i just germinated 6 ak47 seeds and just a min ago put them in cups (which ill only have them in for a week or so before going into their permanent buckets. right now i have on 5 26w 65000k cfls on them and in a week or two i will be getting either more cfls or a metal halide but as you can tell my closet is tiny in width so ill be also getting a fan..For soil i just used some nice organic no fert soil but will eventually be giving it nutes as they get older..Im also not expecting to grow all 6 in the closet (although it is alot longer then it seems thats just one end)a couple might go outside or in another room if they happen to be females *crosses fingers* any advice is greatly appreciated.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
We've used that type of lamp before. The bendy arms are very helpful. Most 5000k "sunshine" bulbs do better than the 6500k "daylight" bulbs for vegging as our plants have all leaned toward the 5000k when placed between both bulbs.

You want to keep the seedlings in a fairly high-humidity environment until they grow into the new soil a little. This can be accomplished by putting plastic wrap over the cups, secured with a rubber band and with two finger-sized holes punched in either side. Change the size of the air holes until only the very center of the plastic, where the seedling is, has slight condensation on the bottom. Alternatively, the cups can be placed in a humidity dome. Once the seedlings either shed their shells or bump into the wrap, the plastic can be removed.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply..ill cover em up. Should i put the holes in the sides on the cup? I also almost bought a couple 5000k bulbs but read about the 6500k ones more. well see :) Thank you!

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
No just use a finger to punch holes in the stretched plastic wrap near the edge of the cup, on either side of the seedling.


Well-Known Member
Soo the temp under my lights seem to be 77-80f. They are just barely barely peeking out of the soil should i keep cfls close or lift up a bit.?


Well-Known Member
peat-perlite-composted bark mix with vermiculate, bark ash, and dolomite lime. thats the soil i have right now any advice???

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Those temps should be fine. Your mix sounds like a decent seed-starter substrate. Seedlings don't usually get lime but it shouldn't be a problem. Once the 3-bladed leaves start growing in, they will start needing weak nutrients and should then be moved to a nutritious soil mix.


Well-Known Member
Super noob question...the soil im using what i posted above does that mean it has any fert or nutes in it already...And when should i start feeding them?


Well-Known Member
if in doubt, feed later, not sooner - your more likely to burn than starve a seedling
love the lamp, never saw one like that, but you will outrun its capacity quickly with 6 plants