Starting indoors, then moving outdoors...


New Member
Hello all,
ive just got some seeds and am eager to get a grow started, but its the begginning of febuary and the weather outside where i am (Crete, Greece) wont be good enough until the middle of march-ish.

would it be wise to germinate and start the seedlings off indoors under cfl's for the next month or so, and then move outdoors once i feel the weather is good enough?
is this a done thing?

its an autoflowering strain. dont know if that makes any difference.

thanks, a complete and utter newb

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
If you start them know, they will AUTOFLOWER. So you might wanna wait a while. But one the other hand as a beginner I would grow your autoflower (under light) now for practice, then a real plant for the season. Good Luck :)


Active Member
Yea start them under cfls and then move them outside. When it's time to move them outside make sure and harden them off. When it comes time put them outside for a few hours a day to get acclimated better to the conditions and have less chance of shock. Good luck


New Member
excellent. thank you very much!!

yeah ill ease them into the new source of light to avoid shock