Starting my drip system


New Member
Hello all,

Gonna be growing soon just wanted to post my grow. I have my set up for the most part just need a digi timer and something better to supprt the tray. So my closet is 1'7" x 4'6". So what I did is got a dutch tray. Got a PVC tube mounted on my wall. Which supports my 1/2 inch soft tube and have not installed the 1/4" tubing yet. Seeds will be coming around two weeks.If anyone has any input I would appreciate it. Have a Happy New Year.:joint:



New Member
Hello all,

Just giving you guys an update. Im pretty stoked my clones rooted, it took them 12-15 days to root. After failing the first time. Three sections in my house, clone area where you see my clones now, a veg closet that is 2x3 which will house my clones after they rooting happens. Then the bloom room, which you see in the pics. I am going to drip 3 plants because I still have a soil plant that I'm blooming so I need to make room on the far right, and I also have a 12 gallon res on the bottom, should be enough for about 7 days worth of feeding. I ran my system no leaks everything ran smooth. Though somthing would have gone wrong forsure 1. cause I'm new 2. somthing should always go wrong, but no that was a plus. I got some seeds coming from a company that I regret going with. Man, I wish I would have went through worldwidemarijaunaseeds. Going with them next time. Well if anybody has any input, it would be cool. Have a happy new year!:spew:
Well not to happy. lol


New Member
Hello again,

Just thought I would give another update and show some pics. So here is that soil plant I was talking about, its been blooming for almost 2 weeks now. I hope its a female, does anybody PLEASE have an opinion on the sex of the plant, I know the pics arent great and I will try to get a side profile shot, and the plant looks like freddie Kruger hands for leaves lol, believe it or not it looked a lot worse 3 weeks ago after I had cloned it. but hope somone can tell, it looks to me like a female from what I see, but I am a newbie. Also moved those clones from my flouresent lighting to my 400w room. They all seem to be pretty healthy. But the one on the bottom left seems to be a lighter green than most of the other plants. Hope that is not a problem. Still havent got my seeds, but the holiday mail moves slow. I also have a question about veg lighting, my clones are 24 hours on, but I heard that if you turn off the lights for a short period like 20on/4off it promotes root growth, or does that even matter. Well hope everyones new year is good so far.




New Member

I must be talking to myself, cause no one ever replys, but oh well. Just want to give you all an update. All my clones are doing great except than one clone on the bottom left it has yellowing on the edges and a couple of small leaves that are really curling under I hope you can see it in the pic. I transplanted 7 days ago into the rockwool and already seeing roots coming out of the bottom. So if anybody has a suggestions about that one clone feel free. Then the little plant you see is another clone I had from like 1 month ago one that I'm blooming .I bloomed it way to early but oh well it will be a solid little cola. Well have a nice one everybody.




New Member
hi saltroc, your big plant looks female to me, the first pic i can see the little white hairs on the growing tip.



New Member
Thanks o2hustla,

My first reply, woo hoo. That makes me feel better its a girl. I was hoping for it not to be a hermie. Got any suggestions on that clone? Once again thanks for the reply.



Well-Known Member
Hey Salt real cool setup you have there. I'm sure it will turn out great. How much are you watering them? My plant seems to curl downwards like that when i tend to give it to much water. Sometimes i let it get really dry before giving her water. Anyway cant wait to see those girls get big. good luck.



New Member
Hey guys,

Thanks for the reply, Wutter. I hand water the plants pretty aggressively once a day that usually keeps em wet for more than 24 hours.cause even if the rockwool is still semi wet the next day I still give it a good drenching Mabye I should wait until they are a little dryer. But the next set of leaves that are coming in are not curling. but Ill keep a close eye. One thing I never knew about PH levels is that you can adjust it between 6.0-6.5 one day and the next day the PH is off and needs adjustment. So im checking my PH every time I hand water them. So I am assuming that when I do my drip system that the PH is going to have to be checked like every day. A cool thing I came up with, was I had some little bird binoculars that were just sitting around, and my digital camera takes horrible close ups so I detached the front part of my binoculars getting the front lense and Im using it like a camera lense now I can get a better close ups check it. If anyone has any comments fell free.




New Member
Whats up growers of the world,

Just wanted to give a little update. Here are some progression pic from when I transplanted my clones. I know you can see them already but it looks cool next to each other. But Im pretty stoked its really my first grow other than that soil plant, and first time for rockwool. Im just pumped that there is no sign of nute burn or deficancey, got a long ways to go though. I could lower my 400w a little bit mabye like a foot, its like three feet away right now. But my plants seem happy why fix it if it aint broken. Knock on wood lol. If anyone has any input feel free.




Well-Known Member
I have a drip setup as well. yeah when you use a hydro system PH is a big thing to check. i'm usually between 5.7 and 5.9 . if it gets to high you can experience nutrient lockout. i'm not 100% sure tho, i just smoked some white rhino.. haha.
are you still hand watering once a day?


New Member
Hey Gowers,

Thanks for your reply, Thanks bwinn27 for the luck ill need it lol. Sloeginfizz thanks for your comments and question. I have reduced the watering to about very 36-40 hours. After 24 hours the rockwool was still pretty wet and heavy, definatley do not want to over water. I think I was getting careless about how often I water ther plants, I just kind of thought it was hard to over water with rockwool versus soil. Can anyone second that or give there oppinion? Here are some update pics had to spread out the plants, they were over taking each other. Here are some more pics from that soil plant, Im gonna harvest it mid feburary. Hope it is as good as it looks. Well goodnight to all, and if any one has any comment or question please feel free.




New Member
Hello growers,

Just giving you guys an update on my veg room. My plants were getting to big for that container, I had to make better with the space I had. I had priced out bigger containers at a hydro shops either they wouldnt fit in the closet, or it may have givin me a little more space but not enough, plus they were like $40.00. So I went to home depot got a sheet of plywood that they cut to size, got some glue, some wooden dowels, and and some 1"x1" for the perimeter and some thick black plastic. I practicly built the thing in the store, I did all the cutting of my dowels and 1'x lol. Total cost was like $32.00. You can see in the pic how I used all of the items above. Well I hope this buys me enough time to let the plants get bigger. Here is a full size pic of that one plant, plus that little bugger behind it. If any one has any input or suggestions please feel free.




Well-Known Member
once your plants are established you can keep your rockwool pretty wet. i feed 4 times a day for 10 min intervals. pick your plants up and see how heavy they feel. you may need to add or subtract time. what are your drippers rated at? i like the board with with dowelrods. i could maximize the space in my closet and keep the algae down. maybe put a deeper ridge on the outside and add a recessed hole for the drain.


New Member

So you you think 36 hour intervuls is to long between time to water? My rockwool is still pretty heavy and wet at that point, there are some of the bigger ones that are drying out faster. you also mention what my dripper is rated at, I dont know what that means, but im sure you will tell me lol. Also how big can those plants get before they really need transplanting? I was going to put a bigger perimeter on the board, but that was an extra 8 bucks in materials,but good idea. It definatly gives me a little more space. Now as far as humidity goes, my humidity is usually around 44% with just the atmosphere, sometimes it gets as low as 20% is that bad? and would any old humidifier fix that? If anyone has any input please feel free. srry no pics



New Member
Hello Growers,

Just been a couple of days and just wanted to give you guys an update. Here are my clones, they are growing great requiring more and more water now, especailly the picture of my tallest one she sucks it right up. But you can see the difference between rockwool and that soil one I have in the back in veg. She is growing a bit slower. Also here is a pic if my other soil plant that has been in the bloom room for 27 days now. Its lookin pretty frosty. If any one could answer the question about the humidity in my last post that would be cool. If any one has any input please feel free.




Well-Known Member
i use 2 gph (gallon per hour) drippers in my system. they make alot of different kinds from 1 gph to 4 gph. the reason i asked is if you had a slower dripper you could have longer feedings or shorter if you had a fast dripper. currently i have 12 clones in veg and 6 more in a aero cloner. what size rockwool are your larger plants in? 3 x 3? you can finish a big plant in a 3x3 or larger. to accommodate to larger root structure you may want to pick up some 1 gallon grow bags and fill them half way with hydroton, then put your plant in and fill the rest of the way with hydroton. that will also give you some decent leverage for all the buds growing up top.. haha. for humidity i tend to have it a bit higher in veg for clones maybe 60% in the main and i mist daily to keep the clones moist under their dome. in flower it runs pretty even at 50%. no mold, algae or bugs this grow, it is winter so not much can take the cold nights.. haha


New Member

Thanks for you reply and help. How would I find out how many gph mine is? The clones that I have in veg are in a 3x3 cubes. But I might run out of room soon so I might have to bloom 1 or 2 earlier than I wanted. The plants have been in veg now for 12 days. Do you think my soil plants bud looks to skinny for being in bloom for 28 days now? or should it fatten up? Here is a pic of the clones.



Well-Known Member
you may end up flowering your soil plant longer then the plants on your drip system. i only have a couple half assed soil grows under my belt. after watching the greenman video i decided to go full hydro. i have my SOG in full effect now and the speed of hydro growth is pretty amazing. are you feeding your soil any flowering nutrients? like a bud boost product? check out my current grow HERE.