Starting new grow need help


Well-Known Member
Alright guys I am going to start 4 different strains.

All feminized.
1x GDP
1x SSH
2x Pineapple Express

I'm using Mother Earth coco/perlite (70/30)

I have 3 part nutrients and calmag.
I already have the environment down. (Running in a 4x4 under 800W)

Here's my questions.

Once my seeds have their tongue sticking out, I usually plant them and within a few days I have a sprout. But I've only used soil.
Is it the same with coco? Can I just sow them directly into the coco?

Also, ive read you dont start feeding nutrients until the cotyledons start yellowing... is this true? Or do I start feeding once they sprout and open up?

How often do I water/feed? I'm using 3gal fabric pots.

When do I use calmag? How often? How much?
I may be missing something or maybe there's something I need to know..

ANY HELP will be appreciated and I will take it in.

Thanks djentlemen
Yes, you can sow directly

Thoroughly pre water the planters with a light nutrient solution before you put in seeds. Then wait.

You water again when the planters are relatively light compared to saturated. Even better, get a moisture meter. And obey it.

Never used calmag, sorry.

Good luck!
Alright guys I am going to start 4 different strains.

All feminized.
1x GDP
1x SSH
2x Pineapple Express

I'm using Mother Earth coco/perlite (70/30)

I have 3 part nutrients and calmag.
I already have the environment down. (Running in a 4x4 under 800W)

Here's my questions.

Once my seeds have their tongue sticking out, I usually plant them and within a few days I have a sprout. But I've only used soil.
Is it the same with coco? Can I just sow them directly into the coco?

Also, ive read you dont start feeding nutrients until the cotyledons start yellowing... is this true? Or do I start feeding once they sprout and open up?

How often do I water/feed? I'm using 3gal fabric pots.

When do I use calmag? How often? How much?
I may be missing something or maybe there's something I need to know..

ANY HELP will be appreciated and I will take it in.

Thanks djentlemen
Yes the seeds can be germinated and placed in coco, or placed directly in the coco and kept moist like I do to germinate.

How to start cannabis seedlings in coco.

Perfect place to start. Explains buffering, feeding, and general care of your seedling from planting to end of seedling stage.

I buffered my Canna coco with a high volume of 0.4 EC CAliMAGic solution for the first time with two new autos I just started. They are the healthiest looking seedlings I've had to date. My tap water is almost RO quality at 36 ppm so it really needs it.

Coco is a high CEC or cation exchange capacity medium. If not buffered the cation exchange sites are naturally loaded with sodium and potassium cations. As you feed your plants in unbuffered coco the cation sites will pull all the calcium and magnesium out of your nutrient solution leading to a deficiency.

Once plants have a fully established root system in the container they are in they should be feed at least daily. My current four autos in 3 gallon cloth pots are 32 days from planting and are fed twice daily via handwatering. Some with auto watering systems will feed 5-6 times a times. If you are a soil grower coming to coco you will feel like you are overwatering but it's not the case with coco.

The above explanation also covers calmag use. Once buffered your normal tap water and nutrient solution should provide enough calcium and magnesium for the plants. If you continue to show a deficiency of either in the future you can always supplement more calmag to your feed. Good luck.
So im sure this mother earth is already buffered.

I'm the most confused about calmag. Idk if I should mix it into the water with my nutrients and feed a little calmag daily or weekly idk
So im sure this mother earth is already buffered.

I'm the most confused about calmag. Idk if I should mix it into the water with my nutrients and feed a little calmag daily or weekly idk
I'm doing same grow same pot same soil just clones and I use calmag every day
So im sure this mother earth is already buffered.

I'm the most confused about calmag. Idk if I should mix it into the water with my nutrients and feed a little calmag daily or weekly idk
Your nutrients should provide the calcium and magnesium the plants need if the coco is buffered correctly. Other then that monitor the condition of your plants and adjust accordingly, like you would any other deficiency.
I love starting seeds in root riot cubes or rapid rooters, then transplant to solo cups when roots come out and dose the outside of the cube with a myco/bacillus product. You could start the seeds directly into the coco medium but they seem to start better in those cubes (but not jiffy pellets, those have sucked for me). Keep them warm and uncovered, under a light, but not cooking. Oh, and growing in a cup for a while before transplanting into the 3 gallon really helps prevent overwatering, which is going to be your #1 enemy. Like others are saying, water the 3 gallon medium with light nutes/calmag a week before you think you'll transplant, gives them some time to dry out a bit, then be very careful about watering them. Once they fill out with roots you don't need to worry anymore, you'll probably feed them at least once daily.