starting new op, wich strains...


Active Member
k.. starting op. have it narrowed down to 5 selections.. i want something potent, that clones well, is suitable for SOG, and stays short

Hindu Kush :cuz its original:
Papya :disease resistant - sorta: (4th grow:X)
White Rhino :cuz its powerful:
Ice :cuz its white:
White Widow :cuz its almost legendary:

cant decide :-?

anyone exp with these strains in that nature ? Tips? Suggestions? kthx
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Jonnie Iirish

Active Member
Try to find Trainwreck it is perfect for what you need smaller plant, great taste, and it will knock you on your ass for sure!


New Member
I Would Go With The Hindu Kush From Nirvana..... I Got Their Masterkush Seeds And I Am Pleased I Shoulda Got The Hindu Kush As It Has More Thc Content But Fuck It I Dont Thikn That All Really Matters


Active Member
i neglected to mension this is a 12/12 grow as well... anyone 12/12'd these strains, and how did they act ? whats my height gunna be, how much room should i allow in cab? ive read 2-2.5 ft when doing 12/12, anyone with personal exp ? thx