Statement from President Donald J. Trump on Standing with Saudi Arabia

Rob Roy the neo nazi is very worried about “lenders”

Hey rob Roy Moore, why is rawn pawl your favorite politician?

Is it because he too hates Jews as much as you do?
Rawn pawl blames the 1993 wtc bombing on Jews and you still call him your favorite politician

Why do you hate Jews so much you pathetic sack of shit?

I'm not responsible for what Ron Paul may believe or say am I ? I like what he said about ending foreign occupation, the federal reserve and his idea that the "war on drugs" is a failure. Which of those topics do you disagree with him on ?

I don't hate Jews. I see people as individuals and try to judge them that way too. Of course when you bite the foreskin off a babies penis, I wonder about that, but maybe you're reflexively "following orders" and you believe when doing that, what follows is magically "not your fault" ?

Why do you like to mutilate babies genitalia ?
I'm not responsible for what Ron Paul may believe or say am I ? I like what he said about ending foreign occupation, the federal reserve and his idea that the "war on drugs" is a failure. Which of those topics do you disagree with him on ?

I don't hate Jews. I see people as individuals and try to judge them that way too. Of course when you bite the foreskin off a babies penis, I wonder about that, but maybe you're reflexively "following orders" and you believe when doing that, what follows is magically "not your fault" ?

Why do you like to mutilate babies genitalia ?
So you’re not responsible for rawn pawl blaming Jews for bombing the wtc, you just decide that you like him anyway despite his anti Semitism

I’m sure you’re just upset about “lenders” and totally don’t hate jews
So, explain to me where the Federal Reserve gets the "money" they lend to the U.S.A ?


i don't know..but i would like to know why when the State of Florida sent a file at 8:32am (complete with ACH file confirmation number) on Wednesday November 21st to Citibank so that it could be processed that evening in order funds would be available to those who have no employment, could buy groceries or just plain have a thanksgiving meal somewhere, on Thursday the 22nd.

I received the deposit and it was available to me on Saturday November 24th.

and yes, i do believe you held the deposit since you offered up the excuse..projection, Citibank..projection..this is not the first time you've done this and you should be fined.

i wonder who i would call to let them know of these practices.
i don't know..but i would like to know why when the State of Florida sent a file at 8:32am (complete with ACH file confirmation number) on Wednesday November 21st to Citibank so that it could be processed that evening in order funds would be available to those who have no employment, could buy groceries or just plain have a thanksgiving meal somewhere, on Thursday the 22nd.

I received the deposit and it was available to me on Saturday November 24th.

and yes, i do believe you held the deposit since you offered up the excuse..projection, Citibank..projection..this is not the first time you've done this and you should be fined.

i wonder who i would call to let them know of these practices.
Jesus. Wtf? Are you back to living in your car yet? After so many years with six figures, one would have thought you would have had a few bucks saved.

If you had friends or family you could have gotten invited for dinner someplace.

Don't worry, 62 is not too far away.
i don't know..but i would like to know why when the State of Florida sent a file at 8:32am (complete with ACH file confirmation number) on Wednesday November 21st to Citibank so that it could be processed that evening in order funds would be available to those who have no employment, could buy groceries or just plain have a thanksgiving meal somewhere, on Thursday the 22nd.

I received the deposit and it was available to me on Saturday November 24th.

and yes, i do believe you held the deposit since you offered up the excuse..projection, Citibank..projection..this is not the first time you've done this and you should be fined.

i wonder who i would call to let them know of these practices.
