Stealth Cabinet or closet?


Active Member
hey all first time designing a grow room here so stick with me please!

First, what i'd like to accomplish. I want to order a set of auto flowering ak47 seeds because of time constraints, use all of them and then pollinate one female for more seeds down the road. So we are talking 10 plants off the bat befor sexing. I would also like to use CFL lighting to save on the electric bill if possible.

I have a few options as far as the grow space goes, i could convert a closet which is not very large, mayber 5 feet wide, 2 feet deep, and maybe 8 feet tall? I would rather shy away from the closet idea thought because i would need to seal it off with something for stealth purposes.

My second choice is a cabinet similar to this and converting it to meet my needs. Will i be able to fit the amount of plants i want into a cabinet of this size? How much light should i be running? And is it possible to pollinate one entire female and leave it with the others and have only the pollinated one produce seeds without "contaminating" the others. Thanks for any input guys, i wil keep you guys updated!
you can manually take the pollen from ONE male and put it onto ONE cola or ONE bud of ONE female to get a bunch of seeds that way you dont compromise the entire plant
Here's what I have and it works Great..Takes Some work to light proof it though...

48"W x 72"H x 20" D
400W HPS

Home Depot $109


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