Stealth Grow Help


Hey guys i will be building a custom grow box 4x4x4, 90cfm fan with a carbon air filter and another 90 cfm fan blowing into the box to create positive pressure and good air circulation. Im going to go with 400W CFL for my over head lighting and 4T5 for side lighting. supersoil will be my median so my question is how many plants could i support in this setup from veg to flower? i think 2 max but any input would be nice thanks grow on.


Active Member
your vertical space is limited to 4 feet so i would do a "sea of green" style which is a lot of small plants real close together.
you can do 4 bushier plants, double topped or 16 to 20 little 2 footers, non-topped.
also i would have the t5's on top and cfl's on the sides. since your using t5's you can grow up to right under the bulb without burning them. hope this helps. ;)


Well-Known Member
Good luck with your grow box!

You could start with 2 plants, then maybe try 4 plants your 2nd grow. I like a scrog better than sog; you have the training tool readily available with the screen. Your grow box is 4' high, but you may lose 12"+ with the pot & light space needs.

I would recommend negative pressure, not positive. You want the odors staying in the box, not blowing out. Also, 90 cfm exhaust fan sounds small. I am not familiar with your heat load, but I bet you are going to want more exhaust.

Don't forget about noise control. I am battling high temps & noise with my stealth box. My fan is insulated, inside an internal box, and I am adding mass to the outside of the box to further reduce the 'hum & air movement' noise.


Active Member
I would grow some mommys in water farms or semi soil then rape them for every cutting and ditch the moms. Then SOG in soil. scrog in soil can take a looong time. If the cfl is one lamp it may help too have it in a hood with one of those fans dedicated too cooling that light.If the cfl light is what ever else then never mind. Either way I would use both fans for exhaust with such a compact space. I recommend using a little fan to breeze across the top of the plants . I would try to keep the plants as small as possible flower when rooted and just forget the side lighting keep the lumens up top. cheers


Thanks for the ideas guys! I got 2 different options now either the sog or scrog method, this is my first time grow so im not sure what would work best with super soil application?, i plan on doing uncle bens topping method to keep them bushy. Ill do both exhaust fans both with carbon filters or maybe just 1 bigger fan with a carbon filter, what is better tho having the carbon filter inside the room sucking through the filter or filter on the outside pushing air through the filter? And also what is the max cfl wattage i can put in this grow space? I also plan on having a small fan blowing on the tops of the plants. Thanks grow on