Stealth Grow - plants stunted - need help! [PICS]

Here is my stealth grow, its in a pretty enclosed space, temp stays around 88-91, i'm trying to get it humidified and keep it cool. Rel humidity is around 28% and ranges from that to 45%.

Plant leaves are a little droopy, but one plant you can see in the pics is doing pretty well IMO. They were all cloned from the same mother. Is it anything to do with deficiencies or is it something about the environment.



Active Member
you said you got cuttings? how old are they? , for best results keep them in 90-100% humidity for about a week and then slowly take down the humidity. but depending on how old they are, they might have been spent too long b4 they wer put into a clonong hormone and so they may have a developed a bubble of air in the stem, apparently they can look healthy for a whole month and then suddenly wilt and die
you said you got cuttings? how old are they? , for best results keep them in 90-100% humidity for about a week and then slowly take down the humidity. but depending on how old they are, they might have been spent too long b4 they wer put into a clonong hormone and so they may have a developed a bubble of air in the stem, apparently they can look healthy for a whole month and then suddenly wilt and die
yes, I was given the cuttings a week ago from a friend. they were already potted when I got them. they were in a closed box for about a day while being transported. any ideas on what i can do at this point?


I'm growing with UniversalTourist and am trying to help with this problem, the clonings have rooted though, thats why I dont think its a bubble or anything.