Stealth Grow

Ok guys, I have been all over the forum and have seen many stealth grow boxes and stealth grow PC boxes and such. I am looking for something to grow in and it not looking conspicuous. Here is what I need and what I am looking at...

I need something I can put a 400watt HPS into without light shinning through the cracks. I need something that will look normal just sitting in the garage (like a cabinet) or something of that nature. It would be a soil setup, no transplanting and would need room for about 3 or 4 mature plants. A 24"x24"x48" would be nice to start with...

Anyone have any ideas on what I can do or buy to make this happen? I would need this by the end of February or beginning of March...thanks in advance for any advice given. Also, I do understand if this is just a stretch and not possible, let me know...