Stealth outdoor growing?


I live in NC and I am planning on growing for my first time this year. But the thing is, I don't know where to grow! Should I look on google maps and try to find a secluded place near water? I feel like finding a spot to grow is going to be hard because literally nobody has to go there, it has to get lots of sunlight, and have a water source near it


Well-Known Member
i tried google maps and it can most private spots were public game lands. that's all i'm saying.


Well-Known Member
My suggestion would be to hide them in an area that most people wouldn't venture but you'd be surprised how easy it is to hide a few plants in plain sight.
I guerilla grow almost every year and rarely encounter problems.. also, split up your gardens if growing multiple plants. 2-3 in each garden.


Well-Known Member
Grow in a difficult area to walk to, I usually grow in gorse or cutty grass to stop the average person coming across the spot. Doesn't necessarily need to be near a water source, water crystals are good if you don't want to water every week or 2.


New Member
Grow in a difficult area to walk to, I usually grow in gorse or cutty grass to stop the average person coming across the spot. Doesn't necessarily need to be near a water source, water crystals are good if you don't want to water every week or 2.
Crazy can you give me your help mate? How can I message you or something