Steam Broke

Hey guys im new to the fourm and i have one question my friend brought me 3 plants over, cause he couldnt hide them at his house, and i have alot of space were i live. Anyways he brought them over in a plastic garbage bag, and the stem bent on 1 of the plants and i took 2 Mcdonalds straw and sum tie wrap to fix it. Well on the other one the stem was bent in two different places and i couldnt find anything big enought to reach it. so i broke the stem off and its standing striaght up about a 6 inches in the air. Would it grow back? or did he kill it?


Active Member
actually that's basically the method to clone, did you take the very outer layer of the stem off where it's in the water.
What you want to see there is little "buds" forming which will be the start of new roots. Since it was put through so much stress though I would only give it about 50/50 odds of making it at all, depends on how much plant is there too.