Stelth cab 1st grow!!!


Hey guys an gals of Rollitup this is my first post on here love the site anyhow

i have 2 strains going on the right is Hindu Kush and on the Left is White Widow both going strong after germination (i did the full cup of water method an right into medium after seed cracked )

things are good so far nice an big !!! witch im quite stoked on anyhow anytips for me would be greatly appreciated !! lights are 2 42 watt cfs from Rona

Cab is a old speeker cab from my bands jam space that shit out on us so i gutted it an attached some car mylar foam an the lights are clam bulbs from Home depot

cab size is 3f high 2 1/2 wide and 2 ish lenth

thanks for checking it out guys !!! :blsmoke:



sweet . . .

keep an oscilating fan on them blowing ever so gently to help strengthen those stems -
and keep those cfl's about 2-3 inches away from the plants tops!

good luck and I hope you end up with a nice harvest bongsmilie


Thanks for checkin it out yah I was thinking of gettin a small fan I might look tomorrow sub if u want I'll be posting progress pics :D hah


hey Soa i have auto kannnaba or how ever u spell it haha but when i was buying them the guy at the seed shop told me this sick way to grow normal strain in a small space you grow them normally under 18/6 till they reach the height you want then switch them to 12/12 flowering an they stay that height you stopped vegin them at he said he dose it all the time an it works great !! soo im going to give it a shot see how it goes !! haha