Stem-rot. Big Problem.. how to keep it from starting?


Well-Known Member

I had three plants going.. they were all healthy as could be.

I had to pull one of them.. simply because I only have enough room for 2 plants at a time. I feel bad for killing it now.. wish I would have kept the plant somewhere for a backup plant.

Then, one of the 2 that were left.. one of them died from stem-rot.

Well, I get up this morning... and I'm seeing that this last plant I have left alive.. seems to be getting stem-rot as well.

What is the best way to keep from getting stem-rot? Anyone have any tips to keep your plants from getting stem-rot?

The last plant I have left that is still alive.. I can tell that some rotting of the stem has started.. as the stem diameter.. further down towards the soil... is not the same size as the rest of the stem. If I caught it early enough... what's the best way to keep stem-rot away from my precious plants?

I also have a 5 pack of femanized 'White Berry' beans coming to me. Should be here tomorrow.. plus I got a free UFO coming as well containing 2 femanized 'Lemon Skunk' beans. All coming from the 'Attitude Seed bank'. I don't want to fuck those up for sure.

So... anyone have any tips/tricks for keeping stem-rot at bay? What am I doing wrong?? Is it the growers fault for the plant getting the stem-rot?

I really really need help with this problem so any help is greatly appreciated.




Well-Known Member
The best way to avoid stem rot is to water them with less volume but more often.That way your medium is never soaking wet. Overwatering is one of the biggest problems people face when growing. When watering,it is a good practice to water aroung the base of the plant,never directly on to the base. And to water with less water and more often so that the plants have just enough water in the pots to last them untill their next watering,this will allow for plenty of oxygen for the plant as they nedd oxygen as well as water. I try not to have any water come out of my pots when watering,if it does than I will cosider that overwatering because there is now no more oxygen in the pot


Well-Known Member
listen to this guy he knows he is right for sure +REP to you man good advice good lookin out for the newbies


Well-Known Member
The best way to avoid stem rot is to water them with less volume but more often.That way your medium is never soaking wet. Overwatering is one of the biggest problems people face when growing. When watering,it is a good practice to water aroung the base of the plant,never directly on to the base. And to water with less water and more often so that the plants have just enough water in the pots to last them untill their next watering,this will allow for plenty of oxygen for the plant as they nedd oxygen as well as water. I try not to have any water come out of my pots when watering,if it does than I will cosider that overwatering because there is now no more oxygen in the pot

The first sentence is what I needed to hear.
Water less; but more frequently. Exactly.. thanks for the help man. You could have left it at the first sentence.. but the rest of this info is really interesting as well. Thanks buddy!! :D +rep for you.

Oh, and.. im not really a newbie too growing. I just couldn't figure out how to avoid stem-rot. Excuse me for asking a question.