Stems too long and flimsy?


New Member
I have been lurking this site for a year or so now and decided shit ill start a grow of my own. I have currently two little plants in a 23 gallon rubbermaid with 4 19 watt cfls (5000K) with a small fan inside and a large fan on top as my exhaust.

I noticed my plants stems are extremely long and flimsy compared to many other pics I have seen on here. The stems are easily 4-6 inches before the beginning round leaves start. Im not sure if this poses a problem for the overall health and life of the plant?

Is it the lack of watts for 2 plants?


Well-Known Member
and the other might be the wind u got going in there ........ to much wind the plant would adapt by keeping weak stems so bends (like willows)........u want barly a russle on those plants/leaves

go to home depot/lowes /ace and get yourself 23 watts (u need lumens .......lumeans are the number of candles it would take to equal the light given off by something )
19 u are looking 1000 at most 800 most likely so that is only 3200 lumens ..........lumens = engery for plant the maximum i go on is 60,000 lumens the minal is 5000 this is per plant

23 watt u can get them at 1800 lumens ......6500k 5000k...for veggie.........and 3000k and 2700k..flower ( now when u go in do not ask for the lights by numbers that is not smart) is a break down


Active Member
Bury the stem with some new soil so its only 3-4 inches from the first 2 round leaves, then move the plants closer to the lights, 2-3 inches away.


Well-Known Member
Bury the stem with some new soil so its only 3-4 inches from the first 2 round leaves, then move the plants closer to the lights, 2-3 inches away.
CFL's can be pretty close, if you can put temp gauge, right at top of plant under lights where the temp is greatest...

Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
and the other might be the wind u got going in there ........ to much wind the plant would adapt by keeping weak stems so bends (like willows)........
Thats a new one to me. Ive always read wind will make stem thicker therefore stronger. Jus my 2 cents. Like i said, its what ive read and heard always. Have limited experience to make my own judgement yet but what ive noticed is it does.


New Member
Thank you for all the replies guys!

The lights are about a good 2 inches above the plants. I am noticing that they are both growing new nodes quite well.
As for the light issue... Im kind of broke right now (not even enough money for some pot :-( ) and I will pick up probably another 4 cfls as soon as I get paid.

Again thanks for the input.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for all the replies guys!

The lights are about a good 2 inches above the plants. I am noticing that they are both growing new nodes quite well.
As for the light issue... Im kind of broke right now (not even enough money for some pot :-( ) and I will pick up probably another 4 cfls as soon as I get paid.

Again thanks for the input.
check these out good luck on your grow


Well-Known Member
I'v never grown with CFL's but they produce little to no heat so get them as close to the plant as possible(I'm sure you can place them right on the plant without burning it) and that will prevent stretching. Stretching is caused by the lamp getting to far away and the plant is trying to get more light so get the lights as close to your girl as possible. I won't get into how much light you need because like I said I don't use CFL's so I can only give advice on the stretching.