Still have buds growing outdoors

I wasn't able to start seedling early this year. Started some in late july, early august. They are still outside, starting to bud out. From what I can see they still have easily another month to month and a half before they would be ready. They are also growing very slow since the days are shorter and the angle of the sun is different, causing them to be shaded more hours.

Just wondering if they could be brought indoors and finished under lights, or just get them before the first hard frost and use them as they are/will be?

I'm basically in the geographic center of the USA. It's well past the average date of first frost but so far we haven't had that or a killing frost. It's been remarkably mild so far.

last time I did this they were done about now, end of October.

Last point -this is strictly for medical use only in a state where it isn't legal yet.


Well-Known Member
hey Von i have my female outdoors but i live in paradise fla, i am by no means an expert grower but i have read alot and i think they can withstand most pre-frost weather *shrugs* i think it depends somewhat on what strain it is. and i would definitely bring it in rather than lose it by harvesting before it's "ready". i would kinda do it slowly, like bring it up on the porch or something if there's a big difference in temps.

there's lot's of good info in here and over in the outdoor section and alot of nice people. good luck :peace:
Some people say a mild frost will actually improve the bud. I know in NY alot growers wait just for the first frost to harvest but we already have snow here. If i was you i would try to bring her inside just to be save cuz a month is a pretty long time. Better be save than sorry.


Where I am, we had lousy weather in October..dreary, rainy and cool nights. I've brought my girl inside and am doing 12/12 until she finishes. The colder temps and lack of sun, really slowed her down outside, but she looks pretty darn healthy otherwise.