Still having trouble with clones


Active Member
I have now put 9 clones in a bubbler, with a water heater. Thankfully they haven't wilted or died, and they seem to be drinking ok - but still no sign of roots and it is nearing to two weeks.

They are in my room with the 400w light although they are not directly under it. Should I set my 300w CFL to help push the roots? The tips where I cut the 45 degree, seem to starting to brown off a bit - Is this the clones trying to recover?

Any help will be greatly appreciated - I think I'm alomst there but still missing something.


Active Member
I have now put 9 clones in a bubbler, with a water heater. Thankfully they haven't wilted or died, and they seem to be drinking ok - but still no sign of roots and it is nearing to two weeks.

They are in my room with the 400w light although they are not directly under it. Should I set my 300w CFL to help push the roots? The tips where I cut the 45 degree, seem to starting to brown off a bit - Is this the clones trying to recover?

Any help will be greatly appreciated - I think I'm alomst there but still missing something.



Active Member
sometimes they can be stubborn especially if taken from a mother fed high in nitrogen. Maybe add a little more oxygen to your water to speed things along a bit. just a little peroxide will do the trick. don't overdue it or you'll oxidize what roots they do have.


Well-Known Member
just a little peroxide will do the trick.
I agree, a little h2o2 and maybe some rooting hormone in the water. i recently made an aero cloner and had slow rooting times. I added a small amount of grow nutes (~150-200ppm), a little h2o2 and some KLN hormones. Problem solved. Good luck