Still No Diagnosis: Help!


So I've been troubleshooting this problem for a week or so and I can't seem to find a conclusive diagnosis. I've got two plants (from different seeds) in the third week of flowering, both have had the same thing done to them, same lights, same feeding schedule, same soil, same everything. One of them seems to be showing strange splotchy discoloration on all the new growth, the new leaves look slightly shriveled and curly when they first appear and then become full but have these strange splotches of yellowish brown all over them. I have looked for any signs of bugs, there are none to be found, the underside of the leaves look normal, and I've been checking my pH frequently. Attached are images, a few of the troubled plant and one of the healthy plant.

All opinions welcomed!IMAG0120.jpgIMAG0118.jpgIMAG0123.jpgIMAG0114.jpgIMAG0115.jpg


Well-Known Member
that soooooo looks like spidermite damage, is there tiny black dots on the undersides of leaves. Could be powdery mildew but I don't know much about it other than to treat it u use a sulfur burner..


that soooooo looks like spidermite damage, is there tiny black dots on the undersides of leaves
I have looked very hard with my naked eyes aswell as a magnifying scope, there are no signs of any kind of insects, pests, bugs, or what not. There are no webbings on the plant, and the healthy plant sits right next to it. Wouldn't the mites most likely be on both plants if they are in such close proximity?