Stinkiest nastiest foulest strains you've ever grown?

Off the top of my head

Seed runs
Dream Beaver - Bodhi
Guava D - Top Dawg
Grandpas Breath - DVG

A couple breeder cuts come to mind too
Chem D

But I like those foul stenchy dead tooth-halitosis-rotting-meat-skunky-funk terpenes dunno.gif

throw back - some of these are 5yrs+ or older so not the greatest pics
Dream Beaver
DSCN4382 (2).JPG

Granpas Breath
Off the top of my head

Seed runs
Dream Beaver - Bodhi
Guava D - Top Dawg
Grandpas Breath - DVG

A couple breeder cuts come to mind too
Chem D

But I like those foul stenchy dead tooth-halitosis-rotting-meat-skunky-funk terpenes View attachment 5050276

throw back - some of these are 5yrs+ or older so not the greatest pics
Dream Beaver
View attachment 5050277

Granpas Breath
View attachment 5050288
Maybe because you might be older then 11teen and know what "real " good weed should smell like ! Hint its not like candy and bubblegum :wink:
I'm glad that people have already mentioned Deathstar and Exo Cheese, this thread is off to the right start. Those are two of my faves. One of my favorite more recent strains that is still available as seed is Karma's Old Dirty Biker, which is Exo Cheese X Biker Kush-HIGHLY recommended. Since RKS was bred out of the gene pool, Cheese is the best funk we can still get from the skunk. I'll be popping AKBB's Deathstar bx and Hazeman's Exo Cheese X Headband early next year.
Ugorg #1- rank cheese funk, couldn't keep it back in 2018, too loud for my apartment. Very nice cheese body high.
Now that cannabis is legal here in NY I can now give that another chance without legal ramifications. Too bad it's sold out.
I made some seeds from trichome jungle seeds- Jungle Cookies and Sour Mandarina, one plant smelled like rotten tuna in flower and cured out tasting like chocolate macadamia cookies, took 45 days to finish flowering too, I regret not cloning it.

Also, Golden Tiger gave me a few rotten fruit and spicy/funky plants in 2018-19. Didn't keep them as the keepers were all sweet/fruity/spicy with zero funk. I hope to find a funky mother plant this go around and pollenate with a Maruf Red landrace sometime this year(2022)
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A bag seed some kid gave my daughter because I grow. No information. Smelled like rotting garbage. If you weren't ready for it it would make you gag. I mean it was putrid smelling. But once dried and cured it was like a ripe mango. Tasted fantastic all the way through a joint. Really wish I knew what it was.
If it wasnt for the flavour change id say a dumpster cross or some kind of nl5 cross ive heard countless people say they got rotting garbage type things from those who knows tho this is just pure speculation of course