Stinky room?


Well-Known Member
As some know, Ive been forced to harvest early, and i need to do to do it tonight.

Im just harvesting one cola (about one and a half inch wide and about 6 inches long) and about 4 small premature popcorn buds

Im wondering if the room i dry it in will reek since it is not alot of bud. i want to dry it in my garage where there is ventilation instead of the attic, but if it will stink the garage is a no no.



Well-Known Member

I finally got a good look at my hard work. It needed to go longer, but it was getting dangerous. Someone was in my yard looking around with a flashlight about 30 minutes prior to my harvest. (thank god nowhere near my plant)

the hairs are a dark purple color and its COVERED in crystals. This stuff was nowhere near ready, but It is going to be GREAT stuff.

I have no scale or camera for about a week, but I would say about a quarter ounce and a few grams.

edit: oh yea, it reeks. Its awful haha i love it. I tried to keep it in the garage for drying, but it stank up in about 5 minutes so I had to take it to the hot attic (about 90F) a bit too hot, but I have no other choice.


Well-Known Member
Dried out a sample on a computer heatsink...


stuff is bomb.

its so damn purple!!

Defiantly from the cold temperatures it was facing on its last days.