Stoned off imature bud!!!

jjjjyahhh!! lololol so i went back to the float, thinkin of toke. Where'st' posssible to get an-otha-smoke? Word pops loud, get to the "crowd"? i got back yard, lookin for my smoke. There it i see, a big fat toke. and then i saw my plant and cut the bud.

Alright guys so yeah i went to my plant and picked off a high mid bud. went inside plopped it in my bowl without even drying. oh yeah i also weighed it, .8 of a gram. took me 10 mins of lighting it all up, and then bam bitch! silver kush/sour desil hyrbid, 7 weeks before harvest but, light and very fluffly. 1 hour later im here. gives me a swingy cererbral high and an interesting idicca body stone. if im already getting high now....

YESSSSSSSSSSS!!! u can get high of ur imature bud!!! especially mine!!!