Stoner Question That Leaves Me Stoned Thinking About

Is life predetermined or do we have freedom of choice?
I've been to boggled and confused to answer this question myself maybe you can give me some good insight.


Active Member
i have always felt that there is a predetermined end. but, you choose how you get there. throw in some Jung, western hermetic/kabbalah, and all tied with string theory........ easiest answer i could give.


New Member
be completely unbiased and think to your self if there is a god or higher power, most people don't think about this because they are absolutely sure that THERE god is the right one.
just think about it completely.


Undercover Mod
Certain events will always have a predetermined path of events such as chemicals reactions. But predominately life is dictated by a series of random events allbased off of chance. Such as the creation of the universe we live in ourselves. Only exists because of a random sequence of events that created the correct proportions of each of the forces to remain stable without exploding or imploding.


Undercover Mod
What should bother you is the fact that our universe coud suddenly collapse an everything would disappear in the blick of an eye to never exist again.
For me.. i'm a christian. i'm actually in school to get a Biblical Studies degree..

there is alot of debate amongst christians about destiny, fate, whether God knows everything your going to do.

basically the way i understand it is this. God knows you... he made you... formed your inner most you personality. he understand your thought processes. He had a goal for you when he created you..... but what drives you to that goal is not God making you go that way becuase you simply don't have any choice, no! He created us to have free will. His goal/purpose for us is one He made based upon us... upon what we are passionate about.

Furthermore, i'm sure we've all heard (whether we follow Christianity in our own lives or not) the "God is all powerful, everywhere and all knowing" phrases...

a better way to define those aspects of God is possibly this:
God is capable of doing all that can be done
God is capable of being everywhere
and God is capable of knowing all that can be known.

the third is the most interesting for me....
the way i see that is God knows the past...he knows the present. BUT when it comes to the future, it can't be known. Simply on the basis that it hasn't happened yet.
Now God is a smart dude... the smartest in fact. (remember, he can know everything capable of being known...that's alot of shit) but simply truth is that the future hasn't happened yet... and as such can not be known. However, like i was saying before... God made us, all of us. He knows us... He studies us as a Father studies and knows His children. He knows our facial expressions... our throught processes..etc etc... and from knowing us... can determine what might happen.

but the bottom line is...the Bible tells us that God gave us and created us to have free will. He wants us to live our lives.... he want's us to choose to love him, acknowledge him, or to not. He tells us what's up... what's beyond this world.. but He want's it to be up to us what happens... because he loves us.


ive thought about this question a lot. and i feel that the best way to explain it would be, the strongest will survive. i.e. you make your own fate by the actions you take towards survival. but at least we all know one thing. we will all die


Active Member
Tough quyestion... in university I beleived only in free will... but as I get older I seem to believe in the big book theory ( there is a big cosmic book, and each day comes and goes, and if your name is on todays page, well it is your time.... I developed this some what fatalist view while doing search and rescue.,..

Maui Waui

Active Member
Another way of looking at it is so you really have freedom of choice? or are all your actions simply a reaction to previous events?
Its doesn't matter if life is fate or if its free will. Its irrelevant because either way if life is fated then we can't defy fate and if we do it was because we were fated to defy fate :???: lol thats my take on your question