Stop what you are doing, and look at this.... DROP YOUR LIGHTS A FOOT!


Saw an in-store demo of this thing a few days ago, was a little pricey, but I couldn't believe how well it worked. I saved a few bucks and managed to get one for myself and take it home. I took it home and immediately threw it in my garden, and I have barely been able to leave. THIS THING IS AMAZING!

I put it on my 1000w MH in my veg room, and put my biggest plant underneath it, dropped the hood down to 8 YES EIGHT INCHES WITH A 1000w MH! and no damage, the plant immediately responded well, like it got hit by supercharge or something, and its grown a half inch at least in 3-4 hrs since I did this! Easy as pie to install!


I'm gonna post fresh pics in the morning, but she has been there for at least 4-5 hrs and NO BURN! Almost all of them perked up a little too when I dropped the light. Don't think I will use it on my 400's unless I had a closet, but I can't wait to get a few more of these and upgrade the bloom too :eyesmoke:

(Bulb is a Plantmax 7200k 1000W MH with a Lumatek on 240V, no dimming)


Well-Known Member
LOL , you got all excited and forgot to mention what you got . I am assuming that you are talking about the insulated hood. I agree . they are awsome . I have one also and I can get my 600W HPS really close.


LOL , you got all excited and forgot to mention what you got . I am assuming that you are talking about the insulated hood. I agree . they are awsome . I have one also and I can get my 600W HPS really close.

No dude, that little disc in the picture just below the blub, THAT DISC BLOCKS HEAT SO WELL I DROPPED MY 1000MH to barely 7-8 INCHES! over my girls without burning, wilting, NO DAMAGE TO THE PLANTS! This thing is called the Heatstopper and OMG. If you guys get a chance to, look at this thing, it seriously works, I didn't believe it until I saw an in-store demo of it, but when I did holy shit! I bought one as soon as I could afford it (sold an extra hood just to do this) but IT WORKS, IT STOPS THE HEAT FROM COMING THROUGH THE GLASS!


New Member
theres a reason for all of this as well you dont get as much power to plant either the glass reflects alot back kinda like wasted energy its great if you got it vented as for heat issues but theres always a reason why lol i my self run 1000 watter all open and 10 " from plants as long as you got good air movement your laughing


Well-Known Member
Saw an in-store demo of this thing a few days ago, was a little pricey, but I couldn't believe how well it worked. I saved a few bucks and managed to get one for myself and take it home. I took it home and immediately threw it in my garden, and I have barely been able to leave. THIS THING IS AMAZING!

I put it on my 1000w MH in my veg room, and put my biggest plant underneath it, dropped the hood down to 8 YES EIGHT INCHES WITH A 1000w MH! and no damage, the plant immediately responded well, like it got hit by supercharge or something, and its grown a half inch at least in 3-4 hrs since I did this! Easy as pie to install!

View attachment 1965343View attachment 1965344

I'm gonna post fresh pics in the morning, but she has been there for at least 4-5 hrs and NO BURN! Almost all of them perked up a little too when I dropped the light. Don't think I will use it on my 400's unless I had a closet, but I can't wait to get a few more of these and upgrade the bloom too :eyesmoke:

(Bulb is a Plantmax 7200k 1000W MH with a Lumatek on 240V, no dimming)

......are you following me, camera guy?


New Member
No Reflector/Open (No Glass) top~25%
No Reflector/Glass top~22% (10% of 25% light loss to glass)
No Reflector/Dirty Glass top~21% (15% of 22% light loss to dirty glass)
Typical Reflector/Open (No Glass) top50-70%
Typical Reflector/Open - Dirty Reflector???[SUP]*[/SUP]
Typical Reflector/Glass top45-63% (ditto)
Typical Reflector/Dirty Glass top42-54% (ditto)
"Best" Reflector/No Glass top~85%
"Best" Reflector/Glass top~74% (ditto)
"Best" Reflector/Dirty Glass top~72% (ditto)


New Member
also i might add cant find the chart but like a light 8" from plant compared to a light 16" from a plant there exactly the same as per lumens hitting plant with a 1000 watter things change with 600's and so on as per lumens relative to height of light everyone seems to think that having lights as close as possible is the ticket and yes in certain grows thats true CFl's etc but science has proved that when were talking inches theres no real gains like 8" diference only thin you will lose is actual amoint of area the light hits


also i might add cant find the chart but like a light 8" from plant compared to a light 16" from a plant there exactly the same as per lumens hitting plant with a 1000 watter things change with 600's and so on as per lumens relative to height of light everyone seems to think that having lights as close as possible is the ticket and yes in certain grows thats true CFl's etc but science has proved that when were talking inches theres no real gains like 8" diference only thin you will lose is actual amoint of area the light hits

From WikiPedia
The lumen (symbol: lm) is the SI derived unit of luminous flux, a measure of the total "amount" of visible light emitted by a source. Luminous flux differs from power (radiant flux) in that luminous flux measurements reflect the varying sensitivity of the human eye to different wavelengths of light, while radiant flux measurements indicate the total power of all light emitted, independent of the eye's ability to perceive it.
From WikiPedia
basically if you look at it, LUMENS which are based on our vision, are useless, because our vision is based on green. So lumens as a measurement of light output for a lamp is just silly, plants don't see what we see, that's why they are green, any color you see, is a color that's being bounced back.Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, look it up) is what's important, everything else is a wash, plant doesn't use it, thus doesn't need it.

By dropping your lights, you are able to get a higher amount of PAR, and that means more photosynthesis, and more growth/development. There are minimal limitations to light intensity if your plant has the nutrient/root system to support it. Remember, limiting facter in indoor growing is light, so if you can concentrate it, why not? My plants haven't burned or even wilted in the 12+ hours I've had it that close. It attached to the socket, so hydrofarm says works on all their hoods, but i think you can use it on any mogul socket.

elenor.rigby said:
whats happened to your plants dude??
Mites :( Stripped, sprayed, bombed, that day, I was at the hydroshop picking up some bugbombs when they were doing the demo for this thing. These plants got moved when my landlord lost his fucking mind and kicked me out, I had 12k lit up I had to mostly trash, its been a shitty year :(


Well-Known Member
thats pretty neat, i might have to pick some of these up for my store, could be a good seller. but wow your plants man, if i were u i would just quarantine your room and start over, from the ridiculous stretch of your plants and from all the damage the mites have done to your plants your quality and return will be horrible. haha i didnt even think those were medical plants when i was looking at your pics until i read the part about mites


Well-Known Member
put those sprouts in a chow mein :)

It is well known that putting glass between your bulbs and your plants costs you light intensity and is only advised for those people who have bad airflow or heat issues, like the other op said 10" is normal for your bulb to be from canopy ,

that's whack about your set up , better luck for 012 umbre , Peace...........


New Member
hey tommi im glad your happy with what you got all cool with me
i like growing with open reflectors i use the heat when needed and exhaust the heat from my room when needed my rooms are usually so dialed in if you were to FART it would record the ppm :)) hahahaha
as long as your happy its all good
but think about this for a min sunlight carrys uv lighting, radiation and other types of lighting and so does your bulb
and these things even tho are blocked from clouds etc are still need for overall plant growth when you place a glass infront of a bulb it blocks out these important wavee lengths thus not giving your plant all what it needs
trust me i yield 1160 dry grams per 1000 watt lit area i have over 16,000 watt grow room

doing a 4 plant scrog 4000watt grow on day 5 Veg with only 1k light will be adding 1k every week table is 5 x 8 and my goal is to make min 4 - 5.5 pounds my scrog table will be 5 feet off the ground and 360 bud sites will be on that table those tubs are 64 litre and thats going to be my final pot size



Active Member
also i might add cant find the chart but like a light 8" from plant compared to a light 16" from a plant there exactly the same as per lumens hitting plant with a 1000 watter things change with 600's and so on as per lumens relative to height of light everyone seems to think that having lights as close as possible is the ticket and yes in certain grows thats true CFl's etc but science has proved that when were talking inches theres no real gains like 8" diference only thin you will lose is actual amoint of area the light hits
Also, droopping the light 8 inches means 8 more inches of canopy penetration...sounds pretty badass for those big thick bushes.


New Member
Also, droopping the light 8 inches means 8 more inches of canopy penetration...sounds pretty badass for those big thick bushes.
actually your wrong there from 8 to 18" i believe you will have same penetration and same lemens its when you get higher up is when things start to change


New Member
Dr Fever , liking your scrog screen alot , very tidy , good work umbre
thank- you sir yea i decided to make a table thats going to be built one time and last a long time lol used L brackets for corners hard wood pre drilled holes and screws lol etc.
And that straw string for my squares its very tight reason i like useing string when harvest time comes just cut the strings and your on the buds
i got a thread started on grow techniques if you click my signature on how to build one if your interested



hey tommi im glad your happy with what you got all cool with me
i like growing with open reflectors i use the heat when needed and exhaust the heat from my room when needed my rooms are usually so dialed in if you were to FART it would record the ppm :)) hahahaha
as long as your happy its all good
but think about this for a min sunlight carrys uv lighting, radiation and other types of lighting and so does your bulb
and these things even tho are blocked from clouds etc are still need for overall plant growth when you place a glass infront of a bulb it blocks out these important wavee lengths thus not giving your plant all what it needs
trust me i yield 1160 dry grams per 1000 watt lit area i have over 16,000 watt grow room

doing a 4 plant scrog 4000watt grow on day 5 Veg with only 1k light will be adding 1k every week table is 5 x 8 and my goal is to make min 4 - 5.5 pounds my scrog table will be 5 feet off the ground and 360 bud sites will be on that table those tubs are 64 litre and thats going to be my final pot size
Yeah, but lemme ask you this: Just because the sun's rays carry it, does it mean its a good thing? You need UV to make Vit D in your skin, but what happens when you get too much? Over time, cancer, UV knocks out DNA, likewise if you are growing under full radiation you are exposing your plants (under MH for sure, some other bulbs vary in UV output)

I have stopped using those kind of reflectors, used to use the parabolics , but too much heat to manage where I live, and way too much smell to properly exhaust. This room was only 12k HPS

The improved version ran double insulated attic and vented hoods, needed 1/5 the AC capacity the open hoods did, despite being 25% more lights (16k vs 12k). The reason i got so excited about the Heatstopper is because yeah, it would have made open reflectors that much more useful, actually putting a piece of glass that really does something, but its something that's gonna help my girls pretty quick to get back online.


my current crop survived being moved (60+miles) in the middle of its cycle, courtesy of my landlord breaking his contract and having to tear down 3 months of work and rebuild elsewhere withint 48 hours. lawsuit currently pending, lost of crop, happy to see a product that works, and is actually gonna help me get back online faster. Nice writeups DrFever. not a bad way to do the veg on limited light and keep cycle going, I just veg a little longer than that, found some great results in my strains doing that. I will be posting some updated pics of the girls in the morning,
Happy Year folks, may it be better than the last !:-P


New Member
like is said either way if it works for your situation thats great as my previous grows prob one of the few in here that done massive scale SOG's but
after doing so many just got tired of it and costs involved so down sized trying few different ways i am rally anxious to see what 4 plant 4000 watt grow will do lol
heres a few of my grows some bud porn for you happy new year



Well-Known Member
thank- you sir yea i decided to make a table thats going to be built one time and last a long time lol used L brackets for corners hard wood pre drilled holes and screws lol etc.
And that straw string for my squares its very tight reason i like useing string when harvest time comes just cut the strings and your on the buds
i got a thread started on grow techniques if you click my signature on how to build one if your interested
Thanks man , i have a space to fit a 400w scrog , i was gonna start a thread asking how to make the screen as i never had use for 1 , the string is no worries you can buy it on a roll like that already strung together , but i will be building a frame like yours , :)


New Member
Thanks man , i have a space to fit a 400w scrog , i was gonna start a thread asking how to make the screen as i never had use for 1 , the string is no worries you can buy it on a roll like that already strung together , but i will be building a frame like yours , :)
thats great man yea i went to a Rona and purchased the wood then 2" wood screws and L brackets at walmart this is my first time trying scrog but think this is the ticket if you click on my signature i made a thread and actually step by step guide on how to make a table and what i read for doing a proper scrog its in techniques