Storage Bin Hydro Setup


Active Member
Well, I decided to give this idea a go. I built a little DWC system yesterday. I used three of the thicker plastic bins, each connected by 1/2'' black hosing. I fit three 6'' netpots in the lids of two of the bins.


There are 2 submersible pumps, one in the res on the bottom line, and the other in the left-most bin on the upper line. I still need to get air pumps/stones, and hydroton, but otherwise I think she's about ready for a go. Also, not pictured, but I also put a drain plug near the bottom of the res.

Anyway, figured I'd share! Comments/questions appreciated!


Well-Known Member
s20merlin, I would not build something like this.

He could have just cut the holes in the bins, put the pots in, ran airlines underneath where the handles are and connected that to air stones and it could have been done and would grow awesome plants without the risk of a leak with all those holes in that jury-rig RDWC.

I have used 5-10L/min of air in my bubble bucket system with success.

Those bins look more than adequate for 3 plants though and good luck!


Well-Known Member
jury rigged? i will have you know there is a lot of design hours in this. all those holes? what fucking holes? you mean the ones that hold the plants and keep roots seperated unlike a big tote dwc? cause there is only one hole in the actual tote and that is a sealed drain system. leak? i havent had a single leak in any of my self built units because i actually plan them out and use quality products and the proper tools. use your brain before your mouth it may jury rig you into something like giving bad advice.


Active Member
jury rigged? i will have you know there is a lot of design hours in this. all those holes? what fucking holes? you mean the ones that hold the plants and keep roots seperated unlike a big tote dwc? cause there is only one hole in the actual tote and that is a sealed drain system. leak? i havent had a single leak in any of my self built units because i actually plan them out and use quality products and the proper tools. use your brain before your mouth it may jury rig you into something like giving bad advice.
The more i see your posts the more I realise how much of a tosser you really are. Arrogant, up yourself, nasty, foul mouthed, rude, insulting muppet. Or should we all just do it your way, which is of course the correct way and everybody else is wrong.

Try being polite, show some manners and you will find people respond to you in a much more civil manner.

OP, the bins will be fine. Don't veg too much.


Well-Known Member
Looks nice, but I have to agree with firsttimeare. The fewer holes in the tubs the better, it might be nice to be able to hold some extra water, but if your plug or hoses fail it's on your floor and you've got some dry plants. Just my .02. Hope you get some nice greenies.
wait, im confused........if Rossta built the setup, why did superstoner1 go off at firsttimARE as if it was him who built the setup? are Rossta and superstoner1 the same person? and if they are, why did superstoner1 give Rossta advice on how many plants to put in each tote?

im faaaaaaaaaaaaar too stoned for this kinda shit :???:


Well-Known Member
jury rigged? i will have you know there is a lot of design hours in this. all those holes? what fucking holes? you mean the ones that hold the plants and keep roots seperated unlike a big tote dwc? cause there is only one hole in the actual tote and that is a sealed drain system. leak? i havent had a single leak in any of my self built units because i actually plan them out and use quality products and the proper tools. use your brain before your mouth it may jury rig you into something like giving bad advice.
Yeah jury-rig. You know when you hack a working design. I assume you designed this since you're getting butt-hurt about my comment.

But yeah argue with me that drilling 5 holes into a tote will make it less prone to leaks than if you were to have just left it alone. Do it.


New Member
jury rigged? i will have you know there is a lot of design hours in this. all those holes? what fucking holes? you mean the ones that hold the plants and keep roots seperated unlike a big tote dwc? cause there is only one hole in the actual tote and that is a sealed drain system. leak? i havent had a single leak in any of my self built units because i actually plan them out and use quality products and the proper tools. use your brain before your mouth it may jury rig you into something like giving bad advice.
He's talking about the OP's setup... settle down champ.


Well-Known Member
opps, so very sorry. i thought he was talking about mine. and mr meanjean, fuck you. i may be a little conceded but i offer good advice and i am very successful at what i do and i am never on here asking why my plants are drooping,dying,burning or anything else. just helping. you muppet.


Well-Known Member
Looks good. Be vigilant for roots clogging your hoses. You will need a pump from your reservoir to the furthest tote to circulate your solution. You should also have the reservoir outside the room. This will keep everything a lot cooler.