hi powegu, im in the uk too, and yes you have left it a little too long, and with the weather we have been having recently you may be slightly disappointed but i will try to help anyway, i personally suggest blue mammoth, they are the best i found for dealing with our cold nights, you can find them on the upinsmoke website, they deliver free first class to uk and i have never had a problem, although i am a regular
. because of the temps you wont be able to just pop them outside. you will need to plant them in final pots, i suggest using bio bizz all mix which you can get off amazon (ignore reviews i know first hand it works) water well and seed will sprout after a couple of days, have a blue 6500k cfl over the top of them on 24/0 and during the day pop them in your greenhouse and just before it gets dark back under the cfl, just feed with plain water for 21 days while hardening your plant (taking in in the evening) after 21 days feed with a quater strengh bio bizz bio grow, then water, then half strengh grow, then water, then full strengh, and from the first nute feed you will be able to leave her outside all the time. and for f**k sake DO NOT PUT A LIGHT IN YOUR GREENHOUSE AND LEAVE IT ON AT NIGHT!!!! you may aswell put a sign on your doir saying im growing. i would strongly suggest against growing outside in uk, there is so many more problems, if you have a think and decide you want to grow indoors i will give you advice and make sure you dont get caught, i hope this post was helpful if you have any questions please just ask and i will do my best to help, best of luck. furious
p.s: if you are growing outside i suggest getting your seeds tomorrow, you havnt got long