Strain Possibility???


alright well i'll post a pic on the next post i have to go to school. but i got some shit with BRIGHT pink hairs like a neon pink color. the buds outdoors and has had pink hairs since it started flowering. also i've noticed the pistil where the hairs are coming out of are turning purple so essentially its purple with bright pink hairs. looks like some fyre. anyway. im not sure if the pistils are turning purple because of the cold weather or what. its been colder lately so maybe its turning purple because of that, not sure. anyway with that bein said, any ideas of strains?? will post pics soon. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


Active Member
impossible to guess the strain and get it right! You should just name it and go with that most people dont have a clue about strains they just smoke it lol. cant wait to see the pics.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure it's a generalized trait in some indica strains . . .. you can't really get anymore specific than that.