Strain question

Smoking Suddsy

Active Member
Hello All

Would like to start off by saying that the info on here is great. I'm new to this so I have a couple of questions about strains. Three years a go a fellow grower and myself Mothered a Lifesaver strain and Fathered a Cinderella strain with great success. Exceptional high and very strong fruity smell, that the neihbors were quite impressed with, atleast what i could hear through the fence. We have seeded from this pair once, seperated each then painted on spores to the mother on selected buds. Then grew the next year doing the same, from the new seeds. This year I have only kept three girls from seeds started in Feb. under 24/7 light. Started with five,one died one was a male. My question is, is this a true cross between the two or is there more to it? The smoke,to us is different from what each of the strains where. Here's a pic of what they look like right now. Don't now how to make pics smaller sorry.:confused:


Smoking Suddsy

Active Member
I think i forgot some questions. Has anyone tried these strains with continued success? I have a grow box that is 5ft L 4ft H and 3ft W and had all intensions of using clones but ran out of time. Are there any good seed sights that would give me more info on these strains?


Well-Known Member
The simple answer is.

If you have 2 plants and the female is A and the male is B.
When the B pollinates A seeds are made.

Those seeds are 50% A and 50% B we will call those seeds C

Female C is pollinated by Male D

Now that plant is 1/4 A 1/4 B and 1/2 D

Remember this is the SIMPLE version. Genetics is only half of the equation, environment is the other.
Some plant traits are stronger than others so they will be dominate.