Hey Guys! So, I wanna start a thread for people who have bought seeds on strainly! Maybe we can have a better idea of some of these guys projects if we post more completed grows of some of these purchases! I will be starting some that I have received (testers and paid for) and will be the first to start! Please feel free to start posting your beauties! I feel like strainly has gotten a bad name but truth is our cannabis community is all about networking and law of attraction! We all understand our love for this beautiful plant, and for what medicinally it does for millions upon millions of patients! Let’s get it going fellas! I’m super excited to see some of the gems others have found! I mean because there has to be!! Happy growing y’all!!! This summer is gonna be a good one, attempting to grow some trees summer of 22! Last year they didn’t get as tall as I would have liked! Personally, I think I planted them in the wrong area(only like 4-6 hours of direct sunlight, also fed them very minimally) again guys super excited to see who reacts and feels pulled to this post! Let’s get rocking and rolling, pointing others in the right direction! Cannabis community is just so special and I love all of you! This is my therapy and my plants are healing! Slowly but surely we will get there as a country! Eventually finding people smoking/dosing that never imagined using cannabis as medicine will too feel the benefits of CLEAN MEDICINE!❤❤
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