Strange browning


This Plant is a Bubble gum strain. I haven't been feeding them any Nukes yet. I test the PH of the water I feed them, I use CFL's and they are on a 18/6 cycle. When I got them they we're on a 24 cycle. Should I start nukes? The soil apears to already have nukes. I want to transfer to Areoponic system. If I'm running a 18/6 cycle will it make a difference if a small amout of light gets into the veg room during the dark cycle? What can I do to pervent this from happening again?



Active Member
cal-mag imo 2tsp gallon every watering

This Plant is a Bubble gum strain. I haven't been feeding them any Nukes yet. I test the PH of the water I feed them, I use CFL's and they are on a 18/6 cycle. When I got them they we're on a 24 cycle. Should I start nukes? The soil apears to already have nukes. I want to transfer to Areoponic system. If I'm running a 18/6 cycle will it make a difference if a small amout of light gets into the veg room during the dark cycle? What can I do to pervent this from happening again?


Active Member
hmm i am a first time grower having the exact same problems with almost the exact same conditions so i am curious to see what people say