strange pale and blotchy leafs

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
A quick back round on this. On my last grow I did 3 power skunk and 1 big bang in gordans gold label(soil I have been using so far) and 3 bag seed in ocean forest. All did great except for the big bang... After about 3 weeks it just started showing these same symptoms on the older fan leafs then it moved to the new growth. I looked for answers the best I could on my own but wasnt been able to find any. The plant still was doing ok so I put into flowering with the rest at the time. The problem seemed to actually get a little better. The new growth didnt have any signs of this so I decided to take a couple clones and see if it was something with the soil perhaps. Both clones rooted in just 5 days and still showed no symptoms. Then as soon as the bigger one hit its growth spurt bammm there it was just as bad if not worse then its momma...
Anyone have a clue what this is?

you can see in the second pic that the old growth doesnt have this problem


Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
No nutes at all.
No nutes for the mother either before it showed. Its a clone under t5's and flouro's its needs to be misted because it just came outta the dome...
Sorry if I didnt make that clear.


Well-Known Member
stupid is as stupid does I guess. tryin to help. why would overwatering be stupid? overwatering will cause ur issues if not nutes.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
have you had overwatering cause something like this? I havent over watered or over nuted my plants or clones. They arent getting any nutes.
As I said at the top, they are in fox farm ocean forest soil with no addition nutes. I water when my plants feel very light and when they feel dry about 1 1/2 inches(except for the ones in cups, I just water when really light weight). I have successfully grown out many plants but I dont pretend to be an expert.
The normal anwswer for anything without even reading or trying is "over watering or over nuteing". I said I tried to correct it and that the clone wasnt showing symptoms until right after rooting.
This is the only plant I have ever had this happen to. Again Im no expert and I dont pretent to be but if you would have read my post you would see odds are its neither nutes or over watering

Here is a side pic. I did water it earlier today so its a little droopy. Im sure by later today or tomorrow it will be perky as can be with its ugly ass leafs



Well-Known Member
yeah, I did read your post thoroughly. and the reason for overwatering or overnuting is b/c there are not that many others things it could be. obviously. the tips of your plant's leaves are yellow and necrotic. which does not signal a deficiency but the opposite.
if all ur other plants are fine, than maybe this is just a dud. and yes, I have seen both overwatering and overnuting looks identical to your plant. try feeding that one some mild nutes and see what happens. if it gets worse, than maybe it has a low tolerance for nutes. if it gets better, than it was just hungry.

how is your ph of your runoff?

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
Its the tips of the newly rooted clones that are dieing.... It happens to me almost every time then with in a week they look like a million bucks

I tried giving the mother a little bit of nutes to see if she was hungry the first time this happened with no effect at all. I raised the nutes gradually to see if it would help and it didnt. When I got to the point that it did show a slight nute burn I flushed and it still didnt help.. I litterally tried everything I could think of with no change. Its not getting worse, doesnt look bad aside from that but it stays around..

My ph is around 6.5 depending on when you check it. I use phed distilled water

here is a pic of its mom in flowering at about 3 1/2 weeks. It doesnt look that great as a whole but the buds are actually forming quite nicely. You cant even tell that it looked like this when it went into flowering



Well-Known Member
all of the exisiting leaves on a clone have yellowed all the time for me. my theory is the plant using up it's reserve food sources. you say no nutes for the mama that you put into flowering right. the first pic on the latest pic? for 3 1/2 weeks they look good but dont know if it is the light or what, but I could swear those fans look like they are yellowing prematurely. look like a very fast growing strain. if they are indeed yellowing, than a dose of some veg formula will work.
as for the blotchy bitches, do you have any perlite or vermiculite in that soil for aeration? proper drainage? could the soil be too compact, depriving the roots of 02? it's gotta be something simple.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
I thought the same thing at first about the momma but the soild was never compacted. The mom did get a good amount of perlite, about 20%
I actually didnt put any perlite in this soil mix. Im not cutting ocean forest because the drainage is actually very good on its own.
Im sure its something simple that im missing but cant seem to figure it out.

You are right the momma is haven a few problems with earlier leaf yellowing. I am goign to give her a dose of grow on her next feeding. I have been reading uncle bens thread about flowering nutes and am going to change the feed

Oh well
Thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
those flowering plants- 2 diff strains right? and is it the bag seed that has the blotchy leaves? also, those clones look on the big side, although there is no set size limit, just persona preference. I would however recomend that if u r gona take them that big to do it 2 weeks prior to flowering if you take more than 1 or 2.

why not let the soil on that one dry out a day or two more than the others between waterings and try using tap water. may be missing some micros that tap has in it like mg and ca.
I will continue to search for some more help

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
the clones were about 3 inches when I clipped them if thats what your talking about. They just shoot up within a few days of rooting. I took 4 off of one plant, 3 outta the 4 are in flowering. I liked my no veg clone that I tried

I cant use tap water because its to hard(to much Calcium) and the ph is as high as 8 sometimes.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
the plants soil is bone dry. I figure Ill go along with any suggestions that anyone might have. I am pretty much certain that its not over watering but Ill try what ever..

Ill water it tomarrow..


Well-Known Member
have to go with your gut than. sorry cant be more helpful-funny no one else wants to chime in here.
do you think maybe the soil is drying too fast? if this happens, the EC of the soil can rise dramatcially.
since you dont think it is the nutes, and not overwatering, than has to be something else.I believe root zone issues. maybe try watering a bit more often but using less water. just considering the point you made you water when they feel light or very light. seems to be a very fast growing strain if ur clones were at 3 inhes and now they have just about tripled that in a short period. less water but more often.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
its big bang from a greenhouse mixed fem pack
Fuck it
The mom smell all fruity and looks great so if it just messes with the yield I guess Ill get over it for some fruity smoke


Well-Known Member
nah man, you said u always run into this problem even though they grow out of it. why not next time start em in soil without any nutes. bet the problem goes away