Strawberry Cough


Well-Known Member
How is the potency of this strain? Also, between this and Sour Diesel, which would you personally rather grow/smoke? I've had the privilege of smoking Strawberry Diesel:blsmoke:, but not one or the other:roll:Trying to decide which strain for my next grow...


Active Member
I don't think strawberry cough is even close to the potency of sour diesel. If i had the choice i'd pick sour diesel over strawberry cough anyday. :)


Well-Known Member
Can anyone verify that? Also, are the smell and taste of Sour Diesel pleasant? I didn't know how to feel about the "smells a like a diesel fuel spill."


Well-Known Member
No, I don't actually, I found it through searching. Though I guess if someone did read Forbes, that would be hilarious...:roll:


Smoky McPot
Forbes says strawberry cough is "better" whatever that means. Its not like anyone at Forbes ponyed up to smoking so...


Well-Known Member
Forbes has the list of top ten strains of weed...

The way they described "Sour Diesel" and its smell was exactly what you said - "Like a deisel fuel spill"


Well-Known Member
I have had the chance to smoke both strains. I have had the strawberry many many many times. The Diesel only twice, if I where you I would go for the Diesel man, very much more potent. I think it was the August HighTimes that rated Diesel the strongest "American" grown strain.


Well-Known Member
Thats usually the case with new things....Its all the rave until something else comes along.

Try not to get caught up in the names...Just grow some good bud. Your own growskills have more to do with what you end up with than anything.

It may be killer bud....But if you fuck up on the yield shit.

Skills 1st....All the rest is secondary.