strawberry cough


Active Member
hey guys , been here a while mostly reading and some times posting . I've learned a hell of alot from everyone :mrgreen:. well heres the deal . I've got a strawberry cough thats been veg'd for 46 days in dwc system under a 400mh from the start. I used technaflora b.c starter kit . at week two I jumped the ppm from 500 to 1000-1100 and she did fine . at the 46 th day I switched to flower nutes with the ppm at 1000-1100. and started using hygrowziem cause I had to chopp a male that was in the system and intagled with my girlies roots. after week 6 I jumped the ppm to 1800 full strenght , and burnt the shit out of her. it stunted the growth due to the over nuting and recovered bout mid week 7 , after running ph'd ro water . ever scince then all the hairs went brown \red and the trichs have all went cloudy 90% . 10% amber. its now the day after week 9 and they are falling over from the wieght. But started to pop out new gowth of white hairs on some buds. all the leafs are yellowing from the lack of nitrogen.would you guys harvest or wait another week? now keep in mind I like to have a more up lifting high then a couch lock.
does any one have experince with strawberry and know what the flowering times should be. heres some pics, and by the way this was my first time I've gotten more than a 1/8 from a grow. all thanks to you guys so heres some pics enjoy and please comment or insult it doesnt matter as long as you post and I get to feel important.



Well-Known Member
What typ eof high u will end up with is a result of genetics, how long u flower , and how you cure.

And important of all patience.

If u leave to flower till all trichs are amber then u wont be able to move from the couch. I like to harvest when i see most trichs are cloudy, thats the uplifting buzz followed by a nice stone.
Nice looking plant btw.


Well-Known Member
50/50 trichs isnt really a couchlock, IMO its a good head high with slight body. but remember to cut your plant as low as possibly and hang it, and some trichs that are cloudy now will turn amber in a day or 2 after being cut.

Its simply preference, the next process is curing, a good cured bud takes up to 2 months, and that will determine a good smooth long lasting high.