Stray male flowers a few weeks before harvest...


New Member
I have a plant that's producing some male flowers, its a few weeks from harvest. I just don't want it to pollinate my other beauties. Should I chop her? Or maybe put her in a dark cycle by her self first?!? Thank's!!


Well-Known Member
thats a tough call is are the sacks opening yet? And how far along are the other girls.
I bet you could let it go till those male flowers look like there about to pop..
she's just trying to keep herself alive.


Well-Known Member
Just pick them off carefully, inspecting every centimeter of each plant daily would be a wise choice. This close to chop you should be good but I'd still inspect and pick daily. Just my opinion.


New Member
The sacks are not opening, just found them today and immediately but carefully removed them. The girls have Between 1 to 2 weeks before they are picked and they are beautiful, just wanted to make double sure. I will watch these ladies continuously like I have been, I feel the more love I give the better they get. Thanks a lot for the info guys!!