Stretching is killing me


Well-Known Member
After reading around here and on the net I can't find any other info regarding this and fixes for it other then 3. 1) Plant into a larger pot buring up to the first node.
2) leave alone.
3) start over.

Well I don't want to go with 3. I have been leaving my plants alone for the last few days and there really seems to be no improvement. I understand the damage is done. I also understand I can grow them either way and the yeild will most likely suffer. But it's just stressing me out seeing them like this. I am doing all I can. The light is so close if I move it down anymore it will be in the middle of the plants. Tomorrow will be 20 days in from planting seeds. I realize now that the problem started from the seedlings as I let them grow in the tent too long (not knowing any better). I'm wondering if there is a chem I can use to help fix this or promote stem growth. I have to think this is a common problem with all types of grows (fruits, veggies, flowers, etc). Not just weed. There has to be something to fix this right?



Active Member
i would go buy a second light that way each row of plants that you have will have their own light source...2 4-foot bulbs for 8 plants is a little bit low


Active Member
Not to be too obvious or anything, but I think option #2 - wait it out - will probably be your best option. I have had stretched seedlings before and once they get a bit bigger they seem to do fine.


Well-Known Member
How Old Do Ur Plants Need To Be B4 They Need A Fan Put On Them
A fan should be placed on your plants at all times. From seedling to flower. Just make sure when they are little do not place too much fan on them. It will be like a wind storm to the little things. My fan only has two settings, low and high. Both are too strong for the stage the plants are now so I angle the fan so only a little movement can be seen in the plants. Mine move like there is a very little breeze flowing just over their tops.


Well-Known Member
Hey man those plants are going to do fine if you have enough height in your area. They will recover. Remove the props as they do and plan on propping them again 1 use 5/16" round dowels 3' long, cost about $.65 at the big box stores. I say you need good height like 3' of height not counting pot height or light spacing required. 15" to 18" tall before flowering you will be fine. As far as a chemical SuperThrive is available in small quantity's. Only need a drop per gallon of water. VV


Well-Known Member
OK thanks for replying everyone. Heres the update. I bought two more lights yesterday. Also moved them so dam close. They are most laying on top of the plants. Almost. :). They are so close it was a pain to adjust the fan to get any breeze on thise little bad boys. I dropped some water on them this morning as the soil got dry as hell yesterday. But I wanted that to happen as I was over watering. Now I'm hopping my roots will strech sideways and fill out. Don't know if they were doing this already but I figured it could not hurt. The plants are looking good. There are still a couple with some brown spots but I'm going to let them go and see what happens. One seemed to get worse with it, but the others are holding strong with no issues. Thanks again :)


Well-Known Member
Ill toss some up tomorrow. It's about 2 am here and the wife wants to go sleep. But theyll be up in the moring, About 10 hours from now lol.


Well-Known Member
Pics updated as promissed. Just for reference. These seeds started germination on the 6th of Feb. 1st couple sprouted out on the 11th and the remaining 6 sprouted out on the 13th. 4 seeds never sprouted. Total germination try was 12 seeds. Now have 8 plants all from multible bag seeds.



Well-Known Member
They look a little stringy, but now that you bumped up the light, moved them closer, they will be fine. I would put the fan right on them as long as is is an oscillating one. In my little experience, seedlings can take quite a bit of movement and be fine, and the more you get them to dance in the wind, the stronger they will get.