Stretchy Stems

kakashi 22667

New Member
Hello everyone!
i am doing my first grow i have seven plants!
Thanks to you guys everyting went smoothly!

i will post a few pics om my plants, please tell me if they are in good shape?
and some of them have long stretchy stems? replant them deeper?

Let them be?2013-08-31 10.44.08.jpg2013-08-27 18.25.49.jpgno 2.jpg
i use sunlight to grow my plants...
i am going to conduct an outside grow
i put them in my window when the sun comes up..and in my closet when the sun goes down...
i will replant them when they get bigger and they will have a permenant home outside...
Thanks all! just want to know if my plants are healthy and what to do about those stems?


Well-Known Member
Some strains are leggy right out of the most cases it is indicative of lack of light. I find during the summer months the bulbs will burn if enough light is given. So, I decrease light and end up with skinny and tall sprouts. The addition of wind and silica should make them hardier.


Well-Known Member
Bare in mind that window glass tends to block out certain spectrums of the sun, that's probably why they are stretched, once you put them outside they will be fine, good luck with your grow.