Struggling with veg for Pineapple Express


Active Member
.....seems my last couple of crops of G13 Pineapple Express have been struggling whether I use seeds or clones....after roots or germination I veg for 2 weeks under a florescent and 4 weeks under 400 Watt MH in a one gallon container.....I'm growing in Happy Frog using no nutes....after veg cycle I transplant to three gallon container and I don't use nutes until week three of flower....I've had some very good success and am very happy with the quality of the PE but not happy with the there anything I should be doing during veg to help....maybe add a little pro-mix with some perlite....thinking that maybe Happy Frog might be to strong for seedlings.....looking for some suggestions....this is my third year and instead of getting easier it's gotten harder......HELP PLEASE !!!!

Rusty Shakelford

Well-Known Member
6 Wks with NO Nutes,, I am not sure the Nutes in the Soil can hold out that long.. My other thought is 6 Wks in a One Gallon Container. I would imagine the plant is pretty big by this time, and I know Coco in a One Gallon would be no problem, but soil might be a little tight. These are really my only thoughts with the information you provided.

Oh, and one more thing that I do,, Pop the seed into a root riot cube and start them there. Once they are well rooted, you can transplant, and they might be able to handle the nutes in the soil a little easier.

I grow the G13 PE as well, and absolutely LOVE them. I have one half way through flower now, and she is Killing IT!!!!

Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
What light are you flowering under?

More light is one way to increase yields. If youre using under 600w HPS, I would consider more light.

Canopy control. Ensuring that the available light is used efficiently. Manipulationg the plant to create more flower sites (Topping, FIMing, supercropping)

Spreading out tops so they are all level and exposed to light (techniques like SCROG & LST).

Pruning undergrowth that is shaded by the canopy (lollipopping). Defoliation to increase light penetration/air circulation.

Happy Frog is not too strong for seedlings. I would bet it is not the nutrients but the lighting, strain and growing style.


Active Member
....I am using a 1000 hps for flowering and I always do the "loolipopping" after two weeks into flowering....I only top once during veg and that usually gives me 4 nice size colas per plant....I was under the assumption that watering the plants was the only way the nutes in the soil get depleted and I read today both light and wind (ie the fan) breakdown the nutes as well....I've had a few crops where I averaged two dried oz's per plant and I was happy with that....maybe it was just dumb luck but it's been three crops since I've had a thriving veg state....hopefully some Flora Nova grow during the veg will make the difference.....thanks for the help fellas....once thing for sure about indoor growing - IT'S NOT AS EASY AS IT LOOKS....


New Member
From what I've read you are transplanting just before flower. Not a good practice, when they transition to flower not only do they stretch but they drop roots as fast as they stretch. Sounds like you should transplant 7-10 days before flower, this will allow full root growth when its needed. JAS