Stuck on Stuck


I'm 3 weeks into flowering Brainstorm; and I can't figure this strain out at all, and I'm not new to this. I cloned all of them, and figured I'd put the clones in the flowering room following their mothers; except these babies shot to 18 inches faster than anything I've ever seen. From the razor to 18 inches in under 3 weeks! So now I've been forced to flower them under my 54 watt high output flourescents. I've never flowered under flourescents before, as I always move them to HPS. Has anyone flowered Brainstorms with high output flourescents? Also I am growing 1 Sativa which sprouted up to just short of 6 feet, so unfortunately the lights are 2 feet off of the other plants, which no doubt will lengthen my flowering time; does anyone have any idea's on how I can bring my lights down and not take away from my Sativa girl. If not I guess I'll just live with extra flowering time


snip that shit, bring down the heighth manually. just cuz you value the crop so much doesn't change that it is a plant.


well instead of cutting I tied everything down which brought me down to around 9 inches, I figure if I can maintain them in this closet till the others finish I should be ok. I figure it'll be better that way than moving them under my HPS, as there'd be to many plants fighting for light


be I be, be I bo, be I bicky bi be bi bi, bicky bi bo be bi be bicky bi bo bay as the stooges you's to say


Well-Known Member
haven't grown, but was watching someone's reveg of a brainstorm
didn't seem that stretchy, looked really nice actually


last night I went and purchase an Indonesian Bat Guano .2-12-05. I have always used the Mexican Guano for vegetation, but I figured the Indonesian would be great for flowering. I also picked up a product called Gravity Flower Hardener made by Humboldt County; has anyone had experience with this product, I ask because it has some really strange guides lines for usage: thanks for any advice. It recommended using it when your at 3 weeks remaining, but I added it with 4 weeks left; will I be okay