Student Loan Question

midnight smoker

Active Member
ok i have a question about student loans that no one has been able to answer, so if anyone out there has any experience with student loans please feel free to give any info that you think is useful.

Ok so here's my current situation I will be starting school on the 29th of this month and I have not taken any student loans. About a month ago I was offered a subsidized government loan which I declined. After a couple of weeks of thinking and crunching numbers I realized that I really did need the extra money. But I had already declined the loan. So my question is, is there any way to go back and accept that loan. I have thought about going to the financial aid office but I live a long way from my school and was saving that for a last resort.

Any advice is welcome and appreciated


Active Member
ok i have a question about student loans that no one has been able to answer, so if anyone out there has any experience with student loans please feel free to give any info that you think is useful.

Ok so here's my current situation I will be starting school on the 29th of this month and I have not taken any student loans. About a month ago I was offered a subsidized government loan which I declined. After a couple of weeks of thinking and crunching numbers I realized that I really did need the extra money. But I had already declined the loan. So my question is, is there any way to go back and accept that loan. I have thought about going to the financial aid office but I live a long way from my school and was saving that for a last resort.

Any advice is welcome and appreciated
Best bet is going to talk to the financial aid office at school because they know all the ins, outs and loop holes of the system. When you that close to starting school you don't want many hang ups.

Or, you can explore the FASFA website (google it) thats the federal student aid what not. See if theres anything you can do online... calls you can make yourself, etc. Like I said though, sometimes advisors know that stuff by hot and have inside acess to those databases, registries, etc.

Last, depending on the money you need. I never did - but even if you could borrow some of it, even $1,000 from a family member, that'd be great. In hind sight if I did that rather than relying on government loans I'd have been much better off in the long run. Owing the government money isn't fun - but to goto school it's necessary for 98% of people. :)

Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
you can take a student loan at any time while you are a student currently enrolled.

go to the financial aid office and they'll tell you what you need to know. you have to file for a PIN, it's an identification number n shit... that's the easy part. the harder part is choosing which loan program to go with.

remember that student loans are NEVER erased from your record, even if you declare bankruptcy 1,000,000 times.... make sure you apply for and get only what you need. you need to start paying in off 6 mo after graduation. no if's, and's or but's.....

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Have you tried emailing them? Seemed to be the preferred method of communication at my university.

Also ask the financial aid office about the different types of loans. Depending on what you're career you go into you may be able to get some of your loans forgiven.