Stumped ? Mite or light problem

Tom Buzz

Active Member
I have grown lots plants and 63 yr old this is a new strain for me Maui waui. It smells very strong even when young and 2 leaves. Had spider mite saw 2 so put need oil treat for week grew 4 sets of leaves quick and looked good then turned spotty brown and yellow fell off. Now only 2 leaves left and look like this. Neem oil burn ???


It does look like burn from the neem. Did you spray the plants when the lights were still on? How much neem did you mix into your water ? How many days did you treat the plant? Generally, it is advised to spray right before your lights go off, and to apply only like once per week.
New leaves look good, put the old ones down as casualties of war.
They were mites not thrips? I’ve seen thrips cause shyte like that because they are dirty little bastards.. if it spreads to newer growth give them a shoosh of potassium bicarbonate spray (fungicide)