stumpy 1 plant, one nug pics.


Well-Known Member
In the middle is a small clone I flowered. Im a newbie and have never harvisted before but I thought it was pretty impressive and worth sharing. It is a bagseed, unknown strain. Im assuming its going to form basically 1 big nug.

I never really liked the idea of sog until seeing this guy. Do you guys have any pics of one plant/one bud style plants, if so how much weight off the 1 big bud did you get? I have no idea how much this one will yeild yet. Its in the end of 3rd week of flower. This one is in a 60% cocco soil mix and I just wanted to experiment with it a little.. The 4 in the back are in a diy aeroponics sytem. They are ×2 nirvanna crystal plants and x2 big budda's L.A Cheese. 20140908_222422.jpg20140908_222216.jpg