

Active Member
what's up dudes? I started my plants on the 27th of September and they've now sprouted. my only question is, are they supposed to look like this? the lower leaves, curl down towards the soil. I don't know if you can see it in the photos, but that's what I tried to capture. sorry guys, it's a camera off of a phone. I'm growing these plants inside of a grow tent, under a 400 Watt MH, temperature being around 74 degrees, and humidity being somewhat on the low side I believe? well it reads anywhere from 27% - 37%. average humidity being 30%. also, I have two plants that I'd say are anywhere from 2 - 3 weeks old? I picked them up from a friend, and they're "Lemon Diesels". I guess it's a popular strain out West. my question is about the Diesels is that the leafs are turning a white from the veins, and the color moves outwards. I've read this is from a lack of Iron? also, I've heard that I've stunted the plants. my friend had them under 2, or 3 CFL's? I can't really remember. when I recieved them Sunday night, September 28th I quickly put them under my MH, with 18 hours daylight, and 6 hours darkness. completely no nutrients so far. could this be the reasoning for the white leaves? also, could anyone tell me a productive way to raising the humidity? I've tried a damp towel, and bucket of water with a fan over it to try and circulate. I just can't seem to raise it to the levels I'd like. I tried to answer these questions myself before posting here, but this is my first grow, and I'd like feedback from people who've had the same symptoms and such. I just want to be assured of a good grow. can anyone help me? it would be greatly appreciated.