Stupid males, what to do with these!


Ganja is Ganja in my eyes Throw them min a separate room ^>^ i don't both i like to keep my strain going anyways heh

Edit: Good looking homies you got there bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I put double or triple strength fertilizer on them so I can get a good idea of exactly how much fertilizer is to much.
Allot of the nutes I use Arnt designed for mj so it give me a good idea of how much to use


Well-Known Member
take pollen and make seeds.

drop them off in front of the police station at night.

plant them outside in a public place.

make a salad.

sell the dried leaves to teenagers.

make hash oil or tincture.

use them to hide yourself while you follow somebody.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I would pick the strongest plant and make some seeds.
After cloning the same strains so many times I wish I had a good male to back up these female strains.
Hard to say what you get but it's time to move on and try something new.
Wish they were mine.


i dont understand the plant looks fine in the pictures, just a lil bit of yellow on the leaves

if it is bugs, then why not just dunk the whole plant in water or spray it off with a hose like a summer rainn