Stupid mistake

So I had recently been having issues with deer and groundhogs destroying my outdoor crop. I had to go to my gf's house for the weekend so i told my friend to take care of the problem. His Pollock solution to the problem was to take a bigass leak on my prized purple power plant in an effort to deter them. Idk how effective human urine is at repelling varmints but needless to say it is an excellent herbicide because now my little purple princess is burnt the fuck up.Literally every leaf is burnt.Some worse than others. It is about 2 weeks into flowering. The immature buds look ok but the leaves look really bad.Even the newer ones.I came home, confronted with this disaster, so i sprayed water on it to try and wash off the urine.Obviously it didnt work, it actually probably further distributed his bile fucking urine cuz it just keeps getting worse. Idk if its continuously soaking up the piss through the roots,even though ive been watering it pretty heavily. Im not a chemist but i would obviously assume its the nitrogen in the urine that caused it. I mean most people would have probably pissed near or around the plant instead of directly fucking on it. Needless to say i am very concerned about her and i have lost all trust in my friend. Ive considered liming the soil but i dont want to take any more action until i have some reliable imput. Any and all advice would be very much appreciated except for smartass answers like "Get a new friend" , " shouldn't have let someone else tend to your garden" etc.


Active Member
Get a new friend and maybe tend to your own garden next time? Best advice I could give. Too bad you don't want to hear it lol


Active Member
I dont know how true it is, but ive heard that shaving a bar of irish spring soap on the ground around the plant would keep deer away, Might help next time.


Active Member
Just because he made a mistake doesnt make him a bad friend...If he knew his piss was hotter than an uncontrolled fission reaction im sure he would have pissed somewhere else lol... LOL

If you can reduce light intensity do it. Dont change the schedule..i mean less bright light, not less time. Foliar spray water on the leaves when the sun starts to sink, and as it rises..not at full brightness though. (Gently shake the droplets off after or you will burn more) Its better to REALLY soak the plant one time than to lightly wet it 8 times..every time you add water to the piss you are letting the plant uptake nitrogen again...but more importantly, do you want to smoke your mates piss? If not get soaking. (Im assuming he peed ON the leaves not the ground).

The leaves with damage are already gone...forget are looking for new growth that stays healthy. If you lose it your friend would be doing the right thing if he replaced it at any cost. If he doesnt have access to clones or seeds show him the price and obtain it yourself but he can pay. Add a little extra for time lost while you restart.

Its not worth losing a friend over, but its also not right to get nothing back. If you never spoke to him again, all because he accidentally ruined a few oz of good weed you are a shit friend. If he doesn't agree he should replace what he fucked, even if it was an accident then HES not a good friend. IMHO of course.


Remember at the end of the day, your mate was willing to do the work man...he did fuck it hardcore but only because he wanted to help you out...if he didnt care for you man he would have told you to look after it yourself or let the deer eat it.
damn that sucks.
It was probably the ammonia that hurt your plant.
just keep flushing. I'm sure it will survive, might be a little scarred. but it will get beautiful again.

I don't know how to get rid of gophers, but aren't there supersonic sound devices that you stake into the ground that will drive them away?
Soaking it sounds like a good idea but unfortunately I sowwed it directly in the ground so it'd b impossible.good thoughts tho than
So u think the leaves are def fucked or could it pull thru? I just don't understand why even the new growth is being so undermined. Guess it could be that if the old leaves are dying and not soaking up sunlight then they can't feed new growth. Idk Im just Gonna pray for it at this point lol