sucanat/molasis and other sugars effect on Osmosis??!


Active Member
I have stared to add some sucanat to my hydro....but I'm actually very hestiant whether I should continue or not. Regardless of what type of sugar you are adding, can this be absorbed by the plant and does it interfere with other natural plant mechanism (i.e so the extra sugar may actually make things worse). I dont really buy the argument that sucanat is actually any different than sucros other than the extra vitamines but we could easly put those in to your res instead. My main concern is doesn't adding sugar effect osmosis and therefore you plants will have a harder time getting the vitamins in the res.....grade 10 science was a long time ago! Does someone actually have an inteligent scientific answer to this? I have only been able to find "my friends says sucanat is great!!" lol Ignore a soil grow situation as I think the sugar could help the bacteria in that case.


Active Member
bump....update: it has really cause my water to go cloudy and smelly and slimy so I have stopped it!