sucess at last !!!

well i finally managed it.......whoo hoo!!!!!! after many years of failed attempts at growing my own, i actually managed to harvest a total of 2.5 oz of some really nice weed:-P aproximatley 6 months ago my friend gave me 4 of these 10062010189.jpg which after many months of being looked after in my garden it eventuallt grew into this beauty DSCN1398.jpg :-o which yeilded when harvested (about 6 weeks after this pic was taken) the afore mentioned 2.5oz. happy days !!!!!which i am smoking at the moment, so whilst enjoying the fruits of my labour i have decided to up the ante and go large.... so i improved my grow space by putting a few fans in and adding white plastic to the garage walls and insulated the roof in a fasion and put this "little" beauty DSCN1845.jpg in there to see if i have the same success this plant was planted a week earlier than the plant i have just cut and jhas only just started to flower (about 3 weeks in) this is beacuse it has been outdoors since may. i was going to leave it but i was worried the first frost may arrive before she has matured i will keep ;posting pics as she develops, any tips or comments will be greatly recieved, p.s i am new to the site and would love to hear your experiances good or bad as wanna learn different ways and also would like to experiment with different strains, i dunno what strain this is it was given to me of a friend who had been collecting some seeds in a jar for a while so it could be anything all i know is it gets me to my own little happy place:-P



Active Member
Nice buds man, finally being able to smoke something you grew yourself is a wonderful feeling. Congrats.


Active Member
i would keep it outside till the last possible time to move it in. if it vegged outside it will flower outside better then inside. once it gets too cold for her bring her in. you get much better results.