Sudden Strike Leaf Cupping?


I've been growing this Durban Poison mother plant for about 6 weeks - I bought it at about 1/4 of her current size.

She's veggin under three 23w 6000K CFL's and getting some indirect light from a 150w HPS - medium is Foxfarm Ocean blend with ~1 quart of castings and ~1 quart perlite added - which so far has proven rather productive.

The last ten days or so she suddenly started drooping at all the extremities - the plant went from being nice and lush to looking rather thread bare all over - the interior still looks OK - but all the extremeties are suddenly drooping out in a major way.

I need a boatload of cuttings next week - but suddenly this leaf cupping has got me rather concerned about my timetable - needless to say I'm worried about taking futher clones from her.

I can't figure out what in the world is going on - I'm a pretty reasonable waterer - this girl gets about a quart a day in a ~500w growbox with significant circulation - what could be the problem here?


A quart a day is TOO MUCH....Over watering causes that and also when the plant gets root bound in it's container it happens too. The two go hand in hand though when plants get too much water and are in containers that do have enough room for the root ball of the plant. I'd back off on the water (don't take any more cuttings) and transplant into a bigger container. Use the knuckle test to check the water, put your index finger in the soil up to the knuckle and if its moist then your OK. If not, add water. I like to allow my plants to get a little dry in between waterings usually once a week. This ensures that the water is being used by the plant or getting drained and the plant is not getting too much. You should only be watering two to three times a week and then, do so sparingly even in the mile high state!!.



autoflowerchild said:
A quart a day is TOO MUCH....Over watering causes that and also when the plant gets root bound in it's container it happens too. The two go hand in hand though when plants get too much water and are in containers that do have enough room for the root ball of the plant.
Ya think? In a 3 gallon bucket? The only thing I think I could up-pot into would be a 5-gallon work bucket - not sure if the plant is rootbound yet but there are no roots pushing through the bottom holes.

Eitherway - I read all sorts of posts with ppl saying they needed like TWO quarts/day in a 3-gallon bucket under HPS's and fans . . . . is this hyperbole?

The thing about growing in Colorado - at least I've grown in Virginia before and I have to say that plants seemed alot happier there - is that it is *really* dry here - I've had to modify my cloning technique and watering pretty significantly here to avoid dehydration symptoms.

Humidity here is *really* low.

What about cold?


Well-Known Member
i think it could be temp related or maybe a little overnuted.

them are some hella thin little leafs man


I mean nute-burn looks different - like I should be getting yellowing at the tips.

If it's overwatered, it is only marginally so, and like you said, those are some hella thin leaves.

I dunno I'm starting to lean heavily toward the lower temperatures/cold snap lately - I dropped some incadescent bulbs in my box to bring the temp up a bit - the leaves don't really look any better though. It seems other people get this type of leaf cupping at 50F or so - which is where I've been for a few days now.