Sugar leaf


New Member
Time to go back to the 1970's 1975 there about
as a teen you bought weed stems seeds A nice bag $10 to $20 paid no mind cleaned and smoked had results
I guess it was from Mexico ( we had paraquat worry's Thank you USA ) Bottom line we paid no mind
to BUDS I guess some people were at that level but your average head just got a bag some were great to good
So my question with all the obsession's of Buds & in my view the dulling down of people to need Bud and there view of sugar leaf
is crap to smoke (save for edibles & oil )
Is it that I'm Old School ?
I gotten some growers to give me sugar leaf &
I like the mellow not where the heck am I
compared to medical bud & shit ...............


Well-Known Member
I use the sugar leaves to make bubble hash.

Smoking them is quite harsh.

Another thought for you is just take one hit of regular weed and chill instead of smoking the whole bowl. It will become the same high you speak of.


New Member
Yes I learned how to be slow & carful the others I know
just go and like no end insight
To each there own .
They call me Sally frig em
But there is something nice about the stuff of yore , Good times