Suggestions wanted


New Member
Looking to set up a new flowering room. The room is 13x13x9 dimensions. Was looking for input on max yield. I have not decided on anything except for the actual space itself. I am looking for any and all suggestions on how to maximize the yield in the room with proper set up. I do not have any real limits on plants or cost. I obviously am not looking to waste money but I am looking to set up the highest yielding room possible. Please be detailed. I have looked around a brief bit for similar post but haven't seen any so I joined to get some input. I am sure these type of post get old but looking for any positive input.


New Member
My personal thoughts are throw ten Gavitas up with 9 plants a light using ebb and flow trays. I am looking to broaden my horizons and better my knowledge.


Well-Known Member
What's your experience level? I'm guessing little to none, based off the vagueness of the question. I'm also guessing you haven't done nearly as much research at you say.

To cover a 13x13. 12-16 1000w hps, 6 plants per light, each 6 plants on its own rdwc system, AC big enough to handle lights and room (3 ton? Idk how to size AC), cooler for water, dehumidifier for room, sealed room with Co2 supplement,multiple fans for circulation. There's your base recipe.


New Member
What's your experience level? I'm guessing little to none, based off the vagueness of the question. I'm also guessing you haven't done nearly as much research at you say.

To cover a 13x13. 12-16 1000w hps, 6 plants per light, each 6 plants on its own rdwc system, AC big enough to handle lights and room (3 ton? Idk how to size AC), cooler for water, dehumidifier for room, sealed room with Co2 supplement,multiple fans for circulation. There's your base recipe.

I should of been more specific. I apologize. I was more interested in hearing what type of equipment I should be looking at. Dimlux gavitas are the two light systems I am eye balling but maybe there is one I need to research more info. What co2burner is all the rage now? Carbon filter brand what is the go to? What are people maxing yields with dwc, ebb n flow etc? I am having troubled understanding the set up of the DE gavita lights to max out the room. I have went thru about 3 out door runs an 5 indoor. None I was 100 percent responsible for just a side kick.

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
A lb a light on first run. Thanks for your input.
There's a theme here of people wanting to get advice on top-tier yields with little to no experience growing on a similar scale. I think it makes some of us get burned out on trying to help, I know it does me. Look at Revolution Micro they have great lighting fixtures and controllers.


Well-Known Member
Looking to set up a new flowering room. The room is 13x13x9 dimensions. Was looking for input on max yield. I have not decided on anything except for the actual space itself. I am looking for any and all suggestions on how to maximize the yield in the room with proper set up. I do not have any real limits on plants or cost. I obviously am not looking to waste money but I am looking to set up the highest yielding room possible. Please be detailed. I have looked around a brief bit for similar post but haven't seen any so I joined to get some input. I am sure these type of post get old but looking for any positive input.
First off, WELCOME to RIU. You will find a lot of great information on here, but also some not so great information. The most important thing is to continue to learn and do individual research to find what works best for you in your garden. Make use of the forums search bar, as this is a great way to find threads that are posted on topics and questions you may have. Furthermore, don't take information as being a 100% valid without verification, I prefer members who have photos, videos, etc to back there claims, but even then every garden and grower are different.

Finally, please know that "Well-Known Member" doesn't necessarily equal "Great/Knowledgable Grower" as many new members tend to make this assumption. I am a prime example of a new grower, who has received this status simply because of my activity on the forum!

Best of lucky with all your grows and again welcome to the RIU community!

Now in regards to the question, IMO as important as equipment may be to the overall yield of your room, I feel the key to a great yield is experience and knowledge of the grower. Not to make any rude assumptions in regards to you as a grower, however I feel if the experience was there to get maximum yields in that large of a space, that you would have experience with what works best for you and would go from there. However, I also respect the asking of others opinions as well.

Sorry I'm not more helpful. Best of luck in your endeavors!